N.J. fines salon frequented by 'tanning mom'
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Anti-gay-marriage measure qualifies for Wash. state ballot

By Michael Winter, USA TODAY

A referendum that seeks to nullify Washington state's recent law legalizing same-sex marriage has qualified for the November ballot, election officials announced today.

Signature verification for Referendum 74 was completed this afternoon, the secretary of state said. A minimum of 120,577 valid signatures from registered Washington voters were needed to qualify it for the ballot. Preserve Marriage Washington, which seeks to overturn Senate Bill 6239 submitted petitions containing 247,331 signatures.

Election staff conducted a 3% sample check totaling 7,561 signatures, with 6,877 being accepted. The remainder were rejected "because the signer is not registered to vote, the signature on the petition did not match the signature on the voter registration record, or the voter signed the petition more than once."

Officials are reviewing about 50 petitions containing 1,000 signatures that may be fraudulent. The Washington State Patrol has been asked to investigate possible petition fraud, a felony that could result in a five-year prison term and/or a fine up to a $10,000.

The law, which was passed by Legislature and signed by Democratic Gov. Chris Gregoire in February, was set to take effect last Thursday. It was put on hold when the R-74 petitions were turned in Wednesday.

BLOG:  November referendum blocks Wash. same-sex marriage law

The referendum reads:

The legislature passed Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 6239 concerning marriage for same-sex couples, modified domestic-partnership law, and religious freedom, and voters have filed a sufficient referendum petition on this bill. This bill would allow same-sex couples to marry, preserve domestic partnerships only for seniors, and preserve the right of clergy or religious organizations to refuse to perform, recognize, or accommodate any marriage ceremony. Should this bill be: Approved _ Rejected _

With Washington, Maryland and Minnesota deciding the fate of same-sex marriage, The Seattle Times looks at whether opposition has softened or increased.

N.J. fines salon frequented by 'tanning mom'
Georgia rejects KKK adopt-a-highway bid to pick up litter
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