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BBC TwoThe Daily Politics


Last Updated: Tuesday, 18 September 2007, 16:05 GMT 17:05 UK
Fantasy Facebook: Nick Clegg
Networks: Lib Dems, Sheffield Hallam

Nick is meeting the challenge
Nick Clegg
What would you like to do to Nick?
Poke Nick
Hug Nick
Karate Chop Nick
191 of you have done something to Nick.

  • Describes himself as "an expert skier and keen mountaineer"
  • Worked as an intern for polemicist Christopher Hitchens, who he calls "an extraordinary polemicist, a kind of mad genius"
  • On his first day as Home Affairs spokesman, was advised by Mark Oaten: "Pace yourself - it's a long game - don't get burnt out"
  • Described by John Kampfner as a "very modern European, he's half-Dutch, married to a Spaniard and speaks five languages"

Other social networking services are available. Karate chopping should only be done as a metaphor and real-life violence against politicians is to be abhorred.

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