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Last Updated: Tuesday, 29 August 2006, 10:26 GMT 11:26 UK
London voted best for transport
Routemaster bus
Tourists can travel on two routemaster heritage routes
London's public transport system has been voted the best in the world in a survey of international tourists.

The UK capital also topped the poll as the most expensive city for transport, holiday review site TripAdvisor showed.

A quarter of the 2,000 people asked said London was the best overall for public transport, 16% voted for New York and 12% for Paris.

London's cabbies came out as being the best while New York, Mexico City and Paris were said to have the worst.

Terrorist threats

More than 70% of travellers said they use public transport while on holiday and three-quarters of respondents said a city's public transport system was a consideration when choosing where to visit.

Of those asked 9% said they would avoid using public transport because of recent concerns about terrorist threats.

TripAdvisor's Michele Perry said: "London's public transport services get a lot of bad press but it seems that the international travelling community think it's the tops all round, even taking into account that it is also thought to be the most expensive.

"The fact that nearly 75% of travellers said they take public transport into consideration when planning their trips suggests that a quality system is of great importance to a city's tourism industry, not just its commuters."


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