Singapore announces National Quantum Strategy

Singapore has launched a new National Quantum Strategy (NQS) to strengthen its position as a leading hub in the development and deployment of quantum technologies. Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the National Research Foundation (NRF) Mr Heng Swee Keat announced the NQS in his Opening Address at Asia Tech x Summit on 30 May 2024. Funded by NRF, NQS will see close to S$300 million being invested over five years

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Next CQT colloquium on 6 June

The next CQT colloquium will be happening on 6 June, 4 pm at the CQT Level 3 Seminar Room. We are pleased to welcome Robert Raussendorf from Leibniz University Hannover. He will speak on "Simulating quantum computation: how many 'bits' for 'it'?"

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Portable atomic gravimeter shows promise in the field

Atomic quantum gravimeters are a promising tool for geophysics, but challenging to bring out of the laboratory. CQT Principal Investigator Rainer Dumke’s group have managed it, using their atomic gravimeter to help detect a gravity anomaly in a field in Singapore. The group published their results in Scientific Reports.

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A national research centre in quantum technologies

The Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT) has some 220 staff and students doing research into the foundations of quantum physics and the ways quantum physics enables new technologies. Established in 2007, CQT is hosted at the National University of Singapore and also has staff at the Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Nanyang Technological University, and the Singapore University of Technology and Design.

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Two CQT group leaders win support for “ground-breaking, high-risk research”

Congratulations to CQT Principal Investigator Divesh Aggarwal and CQT Fellow Mile Gu, who are both recipients of the National Research Foundation Investigatorship in 2024! The Investigatorship offers five years’ support for work on projects selected after competitive review. 

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CQT hosts the 10th ETSI/IQC Quantum Safe Cryptography Conference

Some 235 delegates from about 25 countries were in Singapore for the prestigious ETSI/IQC Quantum Safe Cryptography Conference. CQT is proud to have hosted the tenth edition of the conference organised by ETSI. The Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) at the University of Waterloo, Canada, Singapore’s Infocomm Media Development Authority and Cyber Security Agency were conference partners.

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The 3rd Quantum Computing Workshop was held at the National University of Singapore with over 100 participants. CQT was a co-host of the workshop.

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Poems selected from a CQT poetry open call are now being played on screen at the CQT lobby. Contributions came from across the Centre: from professors to PhD students, and from our technical and admin teams.

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Meet a CQTian: Shaik Muhammad Abdillah Bin Hanifah Marican

CQT PhD student Shaik started his research journey seven years ago at QCamp as a junior college student. He says, "Through attending QCamp and interacting with the PhD students and postdocs, I realised being a researcher is a viable career path." Now, Shaik is working on space-based QKD in Principal Investigator Alexander Ling's group. He will also be volunteering at QCamp 2024.

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