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Here is the text of Gov. Mark Dayton’s announcement that he would be appointing Lt. Gov. Tina Smith to the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Sen. Al Franken:

“I’ve given this important decision the most careful consideration.

“First and foremost, I want to appoint the person who I believe will best represent the people of Minnesota in the Senate. I’ve selected our outstanding Lt. Gov. Tina Smith.

“I have worked with many superb public officials during my 40-year career. Tina stands first and foremost among them.

“She’s extremely intelligent, quick to learn, yet always open to hearing other views. She genuinely likes people and people like her. She has impeccable integrity and the highest personal and professional standards. She will be a senator of whom all Minnesotans can be proud.

“Tina knows Minnesota. She’s traveled extensively throughout our state. She knows our citizens, our challenges, and our opportunities.

“We’ve worked closely together during the past 7 years and she deserves great credit for our administration’s achievements, which has led to our just being named the best-run state in America.

“Before making my decision, I listened to many Minnesotans who shared their views with me. But this final decision is mine alone. Again it’s based entirely on my conviction that Tina Smith will be the best possible senator to people of Minnesota.

“It is now my honor to introduce to the people of Minnesota the next United States senator, Tina Smith.”