Claiming responsibility for the incendiary attack on a bus

the wheels on the bus go round... no more

Via Dark Nights

Full title: Santiago, Chile: Claiming responsibility for the incendiary attack on a bus. 15 years after your death in action. MAURICIO MORALES YOU LIVE IN THE FIRE. – Incendiary cell for the individual action Severino Di Giovanni BLACK VENGEANCE /FAI-IRF

Report from Newcastle Ewan Brown Anarchist Bookfair

From Freedom News

We continued to celebrate the life of our comrade and the radical past, present, and future of the North-East — it’s our Anarchist Christmas, but also a punk wake

The third annual Ewan Brown anarchist bookfair took place in Newcastle-upon-Tyne on Saturday 1st June.

On the misery of repression towards my family circle

A released anarchist writes to YOU.

Via Dark Nights by Thanos Chatziangelou

On June 4, a team of bailiffs went to my parents’ home in Volos to announce that due to my personal debts to the tax authorities, my father’s motorbike, which is in my name, is being auctioned. The debts concern accrued administrative fines from cases of economic repression such as refusal to enlist, fines from the curfew during the pandemic period, court costs of my previous court cases, etc., debts that I have consciously chosen not to pay, refusing the individualized administrative face of repression that has been generalized over the last 10 years.

Anarchist Comrade Paty Rodríguez Released from Prison in Chile

Via Abolition Media

In a hearing held on the morning of Monday, June 3, the anarchist comrade Paty Rodríguez, was released from prison with a sentence of probation, after spending 10 months in prison, after being arrested in the framework of the attack on the Gendarmerie in December 2021.

An Update on the Sentencing of Anarchist Prisoner Jorge “Yorch” Esquivel and a Call for Action and Solidarity


Via Abolition Media

Urgent call for solidarity!

On Monday, June 3, 2024, one day after the elections and five days from marking 18 months of being kidnapped in the Reclusorio Oriente as part of the set up against the Okupache squat, our compañero was notified that the judge had sentenced him to seven years and six months in prison. He has three days to appeal the decision.

Southeast Asian anarchism: Notes from a denizen

From Freedom News UK

Anarchism in Southeast Asia was totally demobilized and almost eradicated after the sunset of classical anarchism before the Second World War. Across the world we are seeing an “anarchist turn” in radical politics today, in which anarchism has seen a resurgence and remobilization not seen since the time of classical anarchism.


From Unoffensive Animal

A statement like this might feel redundant, too symbolic of a gesture .Normally we don’t care too much about writing such statements but with the current situation in Gaza and the silence coming from most of the anarchists in Germany we feel compelled to at least do this.

Uncivilized Podcast 49 -- Review of "Facing Toward the Dawn" by Richard Lenzi

Artxmis gives a review of “Facing Toward The Dawn: The Italian Anarchists of New London” by Richard Lenzi, a 2019 work that is a “microhistory of an ethnic radical group in the context of a larger radical movement, the Italian American community, and the greater American Society, as it moved from the Gilded Age to the New Deal and beyond.”

Memory, Movement and June 11th 2024

write an anarchist prisoner today!

From The Final Straw Radio

This week on The Final Straw, we’re sharing an interview we conducted in recognition of the upcoming celebration of June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason and other long term anarchist prisoners. This week you’ll hear Julie Herrada, a long time anarchist activist, comrade of Marius Mason and worker at the Labadie Collection at the University of Michigan. Julie is joined by Matthew Hart, another longtime anarchist involved in labor organizing, historical research with the Dockstadter Mutual Aid Society and the Los Angeles Anarchist Black Cross chapter of the Federation. We speak about history, memory, prisoner support and continuing the struggle.


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