We are pleased to announce, Julian Leppert, an elected Councillor for Waltham Abbey Paternoster ward on Epping Forest District Council, in Essex, has today joined the British Democrats.

Julian was elected in 2019 as a For Britain party candidate. However, earlier this week, For Britain which was led by Anne Marie Waters, has decided to cease operations as a political party with immediate effect.

With vast experience in local government and patriotic nationalist politics, Councillor Leppert was previously an elected borough councillor representing Hainault ward in the London borough of Redbridge between 2006-2010. He also stood as a candidate for the high profile position London Mayor in 2004.

This fantastic news demonstrates how the British Democrats are rapidly making progress, with councillors and serious, experienced patriotic campaigners joining our growing ranks every week. We are building a much needed political party machine to provide the British people with a genuine alternative to the Lib-Lab-Con.

Join the British Democrats online by visiting our Join page on the menu or using the link below.


Thank you.