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45kAccesses 36Citations 293Altmetric 9Mentions


The effects of acute wild blueberry supplementation on the cognition of 7–10-year-old schoolchildren

Last updated: Sun, 9 Jun 2024 16:27:48 UTC


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45k Accesses


We get citation counts from Web of Science and CrossRef. Accuracy is dependent on their data availability.

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35 Web of Science

36 CrossRef


Altmetric score 293
  • 421 tweeters
  • 9 Facebook pages
  • 9 news outlets
  • 1 Wikipedia page
  • 155 Mendeley

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Older articles have had more time to get noticed, so Altmetric provides context data for articles of a similar age.

This article is in the 99th percentile (ranked 2,388th) of the 362,449 tracked articles of a similar age in all journals and the 95th percentile (ranked 2nd) of the 42 tracked articles of a similar age in European Journal of Nutrition.

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