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Physical geografie

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True-colour image o the Yird's surface an atmosphere. NASA Goddard Space Flicht Center image.

Physical geografie (kent as geosystems or physiografie an aw) is ane o the twa muckle sub-fields o geografie.[1] Physical geografie is that branch o naitural science which deals wi the study o processes an patterns in the naitural environment lik the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, an geosphere, as opponed tae the cultural or biggit environment, the domain o human geografie.

Within the body o physical geografie, the Yird is eften split either intae several spheres or environments, the main spheres bein the atmosphere, biosphere, cryosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere an pedosphere. Research in physical geografie is aften interdisciplinary an uises the systems approach.
