Psychological & Psychiatric Anthropology

Psychological and psychiatric anthropology are two fields concerned with a number of issues around the interaction of social structure, cultural processes, and human psyches. Related fields include cultural and social psychology, cross-cultural or transcultural psychiatry, psychiatric epidemiology, the old "Culture and Personality" studies in anthropology and the related literature on “national character” in sociology and political science, as well as aspects of medical anthropology and sociology. This page draws together various resources for researchers in these areas.

  1. Professional organizations
  2. Potential funding sources for research and graduate study
  3. Departments with historical strengths in psychological anthropology and related fields
  4. Journals
  5. Bibliographies, Indexes, and Databases.
  6. Language Resources for Cross-Cultural Research.
  7. Resources for psychological testing.
  8. Home pages of anthropologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, & philosophers
  9. Evolutionary psychology, sociobiology, and other evolutionary perspectives

Also see my site on Culture-Bound Syndromes and the syllabus for my upcoming course in psychological anthropology.

If you have suggestions for additions, please let me know.

-- Timothy M. Hall

Professional organizations

Funding Sources


Bibliographies, Indexes, and Databases

Language and Ethnographic Resources is a portal for online dictionaries, providing links to more than 1800 dictionaries representing more than 230 languages. These dictionaries are organized into five different sections:



Resources for Psychological Testing:

Other resources for Anthropology.

Individual Homepages: Anthropologists, Psychologists, & Philosophers

Evolutionary Psychology and Sociobiology:

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Created on 24 October 1996.
Last updated 18 October 2006.