Newton's laws: background and limitations

Newton's laws are introduced in a multimedia tutorial: module 5 of Physclips. This page gives some deeper and broader background. In particular, it addresses the philosophical basis and limitations to Newtons laws.

Newton's laws written in different ways

    The italic is a translation of Newton's own words, the roman text is my paraphrasing.

    Newton's first law: Every body perseveres in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a right line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed thereon.

      If the total force acting on a body is zero, then it travels in a straight line at constant speed. ie its velocity is constant and its acceleration is zero.

    Newton's second law: The alteration of motion is ever proportional to the motive force impressed; and is made in the direction of the right line in which that force is impressed.

      A nett force F accelerates a body in the direction of the force. To any body may be ascribed a scalar constant, its mass m, such that the acceleration a produced in two bodies by a given force is inversely proportional to their masses, ie, for a given F, a2/a1 = m1/m2.

    Newton's third law: To every action there is always opposed an equal and opposite reaction: or the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary parts.

      Forces always come in pairs, and the sum of the pair is zero.
Newton's laws as equations
    If we write the total force acting a body as F, its mass as m and its acceleration as a, then we may write

      Newton's first and second law combined:    F = ma,

    where setting F = 0 gives the first law.

    As we've said, forces come in pairs that add to zero. For example, the force that I exert on my chair equals the force it exerts on me, or the gravitational force the earth exerts on the moon equals that exerted by the moon on the earth. Or, in general, for bodies 1 and 2, and for any interaction between them,

      Newton's third law:    F1,2 = - F2,1 ,     or     F1,2 + F2,1  =  0.

    For a body of finite size, one might ask what acceleration is meant. In this case, a is the acceleration of its centre of mass. We deal with this in one the centre of mass module on Physclips . We also deal with a more general version of Newton's laws in the modules on momentum and energy.

Do Newton's laws apply? Inertial vs non-inertial frames

Do Newton's laws work for different inertial frames?

    To a level of approximation that is good enough for many experiments, the surface of the earth is an inertial frame. So Newton's laws apply, for example, on the platform of a railway station. Do they also apply to someone on a smoothly moving train? (Here, "smoothly moving" means not accelerating, which includes not turning and not bumping up and down.)

    This animation is also from our site on Relativity, where relative motion is discussed in greater detail. Briefly, however, let us derive the important result here, using the motion of the ball as an example.

    Suppose that the train is moving at velocity v, as measured by a person at rest in the station. Let's give this observer the x,y coordinates shown. With respect to that coordinate system (at rest with respect to the station), let the position of the ball be r. With respect to a point at rest with respect to the train (the origin of the x',y' coordinates), let the position of the ball be r'. Note that we use the dash to indicate measurements with respect to the train (eg x', y', r'). Let the origin fixed in the train have position p, as measured from the station in the x,y frame.

      vector diagram of ball position in train and station frames

    Now in the station frame, the velocity any point fixed in the train is v. Integrating with respect to time, its position r is given by

      r  =  r0 + vt ,
    where r0, the constant of integration, is its position at t = 0. (To revise, see the introductory pages on Calculus and Vectors.) In particular, we can write
      p  =  p0 + vt.
    for the time dependent position of the origin of the reference frame on the train, as measured from the station. Now let's consider the position r of the ball, measured in the station frame, and r', its position measured in the train frame. The derivative of r with respect to time is the velocity in that frame, which we'll call u (remembering that we have already used v for the velocity of the train). And the time derivative of u is a, the acceleration in that frame.

    Now let's relate the measurements r and r' and their derivatives, remembering that r' is measured with respect to the x',y' frame.

      taking time derivatives twice for r = p+r' to show a = a'

    We assumed that, with respect to the station, the train is not accelerating, so the time derivative of v is zero. This gives us the important result

      a  =  a'.

    In other words, the two observers would obtain the same value for the acceleration of the ball. So, if the station is an inertial frame, then a = F/m, where m is the mass of the ball and F is the total force acting on it.

    If the two observers agree about the forces and agree about the mass, then they will have the same values of F and m, and we've shown that the both get the same value of acceleration: a = a'. So a frame of reference moving at uniform velocity with respect to an inertial frame is also an inertial frame.

    We have deliberately omitted mentioning one further assumption made above, and it has to do with taking time derivatives. We have tacitly assumed that the clocks in the two frames both measure the same time. If you did not notice this assumption, you are in good company -- it was largely unnoticed between the times of Newton and Einstein. However, this is one of the assumptions that must be considered when studying relativity. Which we do in the site on relativity.

F = ma: Does it define F? define m? Is it a physical law? Can it possibly be all three?

    Let's start by observing that acceleration is measured in terms of length and time, which are defined independently of force and mass. The module on Constant Acceleration is a good place to start.

    graphic showing a mass and a pair of masses being accelerated by the same constant force F = ma really does define force and define mass. Either one of these seems at first glance to make it a tautology - something that is true by definition. And yet it is, as the name implies, a scientific law and therefore, in principle, falsifiable.

    In the module on Newton's Laws, whence comes the image at right, we explain how it can be all three. Consider a system for generating a force reproducibly, such as a wire carrying an electric current in a uniform magnetic field. We could use this to accelerate a collection of different objects. From the ratios of their measured accelerations, we should have the ratios of their masses, because their product, ma, is the same in each case. We could, if we wished, choose one of these objects as our standard mass, in which case we now know the masses of each object. Thus we can use F = ma to define the inertial mass.

    Now we could vary the force -- in our example, we could vary the current, the magnetic field, the length of the wire, or we could use totally different systems such as a spring or an electrical interaction to supply the force. We could use each different system of force production to accelerate the same mass. Measuring the acceleration now gives us the ratios of any pairs of forces, and gives a value for each force if we have chosen a standard mass. So yes, F = ma really does define F and ma, and does so independently.

    Finally, we could in principle falsify this law. If we have measured a number say nm masses and a number nF forces, as just described, then we have done nm+nF − 1 measurements. All possible combinations of masses and force cand give us nm.nF measurements of acceleration. For all of the new combinations, we have already measured F and m, so we can predict a, and see how it compares with the measured a.

    Further, as indicated in the sketch at right, we could take two similar masses (ie two masses that are accelerated at the same rate under the same conditions) and see whether they were together accelerated, by the same force, at half the rate. Finally, in every case we expect a to be parallel to F: any exception violates Newton's laws. So yes, F = ma is testable and, in principle, falsifiable.

What is F?

What is m?

Yes, but what is m really?

    Okay, so they are experimentally indistinguishable and perhaps identical. So what are they? What is this property of objects that resists acceleration? At the time of writing, this is not thoroughly understood. However, there are well developed theories of the origin of mass that will soon be put to experimental test.

    Many physicists suspect that an as yet undiscovered field, the Higgs field, plays a role in determining the mass of some fundamental particles. It is the particles' interaction with the Higgs field that would determine, in some cases, their masses. Associated with the Higgs field is a particle, the Higgs boson, which can only be created by energies that are just beyond the reach of nuclear experiments performed to date. The Large Hadron Collider is being built by the Centre Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN) in part to create* Higgs bosons and to measure some of their properties. We may know more about mass when and if "the Higgs" is discovered. However, even with out the Higgs, we can say something about the origin of mass.

    If this theory turns out to be correct, then it will explain the mass of the electron but only a small fraction of the mass of the neutron and proton (which are a couple of thousand times more massive than the electron). In fact, most of the mass of neutrons and protons (and thus most of the mass of ordinary objects) is probably due to an effect that, while still exotic, is much better understood than the Higgs field. Many physicists suspect that most an ordinary mass m is just E/c2. Saying this is just a rearrangement of Einstein's famous equation E = mc2. Mass and energy are either interconvertible (via the very large conversion factor c2) or, for some theorists, the same thing. Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) analyses how the 'ordinary' nuclear particles such as neutrons and protons are made from quarks, which interact via the chromoelectric field carried by gluons. (There is a limited analogy here with quantum electrodynamics, which analyses how protons and electrons interact via the electric field carried by photons.)

    According to QCD, nearly all of the mass of neutrons, protons and most nuclear particles is due to the energy of the different distributions of quarks and antiquarks which, because of quantum uncertainty, cannot ever cancel out each other's colour charge completely. (See E = mc2, Energy in Newtonian mechanics and in relativity and the uncertainty principle for further background).

    Exactly how this works is not known. The energies depend on how quarks and gluons are confined, and QCD itself does not give a scale for confinement -- currently, this is introduced empirically. Perhaps this scale comes from the Higgs field interaction too. Some suspect that it may have something to do with dark matter. This may be resolved fairly soon. Nevertheless, it seems very likely that most of your mass is in fact the energy stored in neutrons and protons in the different configurations of their quarks and gluons.

    Of course that doesn't tell us what energy is. Physclips has a module on energy, but there we relate it to forces, so, while I think that the module does tell a lot about energy, you might justifiably accuse me of circular reasoning if I claimed that this settled the matter. Further, QCD doesn't tell us the mass of the electron and it doesn't account for quite all of the mass of neutrons and protons either. Some readers may be helping here: if you pay taxes in Europe, then you are helping fund the Large Hadron Collider and thus the search for the Higgs boson.

    Nevertheless, we can put particle physics aside and say that mass (and, at least to some extent, its other self, energy) are defined by Newton's second law, in one of its forms. Hence my perseverence in showing that F = ma really can define mass and force, as well as being a testable law. And if you find this unsatisfying, it's worth noting that there will always remain departure points in physics, just as there are postulates or axioms as the departure points in mathematics, just as there are postulates or axioms as the departure points in mathematics.

    * So, how do you create a Higgs boson? The LHC will accelerate two beams of either protons or lead nuclei in opposite directions in storage rings 27 km long. At speeds of about 99.99999% of c, they will collide. Much of their kinetic energy will be converted into particle-antiparticle pairs. Including sometimes, it is hoped, the elusive (and massive) Higgs. It's a big project. For instance, the LHC needs 100 tonnes of liquid helium just to keep the magnets cool.

What if m varies?

    Usually, there is a tacit assumption in F = ma that m is constant. We weigh an object (determine its mg) or we accelerate it (determine its mi). Then repeat the measurement. Are they the same? Perhaps not. If it were a glass of water, some water may have evaporated. If a piece of metal, the layer of metal oxide on the surface may have increased. (My mass is changing as I write this because the breath I exhale is slightly more massive, on average, than the breath I inhale -- the CO2 and H2O I exhale more than make up for the O2 I inhale.) Even if there are no chemical changes, there may be nuclear changes: I am very slightly radioactive and lose mass that way. (Gee, I'm getting hungry just thinking about all this loss of mass!)

    What, then, if mass varies? In this case, we use the more generalised version of Newton's first and second laws, using the definition of momentum p = mv. We then write Newton's first and second laws thus:

      F = p' = mv' + m'v = ma +  m'v, where dashes are differentiation with respect to time

    which of course reverts to the familiar F = ma for constant mass. We discuss this in the module on momentum. In very many cases, the second term is negligible. Keep in mind, however, the possibility that you may need the equation above in some cases.

Newton's third law


    Before leaving Newton's laws, we should repeat the points made above. First, Newton's laws (expressed in terms of forces rather than energies) are not readily applied on the very small scale: As one goes to extremely low energies on the atomic scale, position and acceleration are not well defined, because of the the uncertainty principle. We should add, too, that relativistic effects complicate the dynamics at high speeds and high energies (see Energy in Newtonian mechanics and in relativity for a discussion).

    These caveats made, however, we note that, on the macroscopic scale and over the vast range of practical energies and forces, Newton's laws work spectacularly well and are the foundation of a large fraction of physics and engineering. And, if you are going to work on the scale of very small or very high energies, then you'll simply have to learn some quantum mechanics and some relativity -- which will be fun, too!