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Howdy swingers

April 16, 2004

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"Damn, we forgot to turn off the lights." (From left) Paul Harding, Rob Swire and Gary McGrillen.

A surprise hit made Pendulum drum and bass stars, reports Tim Colman.

Marrickville Bowling Club, corner Sydenham and Fitzroy roads, Marrickville
Tomorrow, 10pm
Bookings: 9299 4233

Most people think heavy metal and electronic dance music are worlds apart. Yet for Perth trio Pendulum, electronic beats, specifically drum and bass, have plenty in common with hard-core rock.

"In terms of electronic music, drum and bass was the only style I could relate to when I was heavy into rock," says Paul "El Hornet" Harding. "It was the heaviness of the drums, the speed of it, the energy of it. It was the only thing electronic I'd heard comparable to the kind of vibe you would get out of punk, hard-core or metal."

Harding reckons that drum and bass is even more intense than metal.

"If you make a mistake DJing, everyone is going to know straightaway," he says.

"It's more high pressured."

Harding and bandmates Rob "Anscenic" Swire and Gary "Speed" McGrillen traded their guitars and drums for computers when they formed the production and DJ group Pendulum in 2002.

Going from heavy metal to electronica doesn't seem like the most obvious move but, judging by Pendulum's success, it was the

right one.

This success didn't take long, either - one track (Vault) and a simple internet connection.

"It was all about being online, making tunes and sending them to people," says Harding. "You can send really high-quality versions of your music and they can then burn your tune or cut it to vinyl. If it wasn't for that, I think we'd still be battling it away in Perth."

Vault came out of nowhere to become one of the biggest tracks at the Miami Winter Music Conference, an annual event for the who's who of international dance music.

"Vault was basically played by everyone at the conference," says Harding. "It sort of freaked everyone out a bit. People were like, 'What is this tune? Who are these people? Where have they come from?'

"When they found out it was us we had people banging down our door asking us for a release, trying to throw money at us and asking for music. It all happened very quickly because of that one tune."

Courted by the UK's major drum and bass labels, Pendulum soon relocated to London.

"We were getting so many gig offers over here it just seemed ridiculous for us to stay in Australia," says Harding.

"As soon as people realised you were all the way on the other side of the world they weren't going to fly you 20 hours to do a show. If we based ourselves here [in London] we could DJ three or four times a week and in countries that are only an hour away."

The group are still largely unknown here except in the drum and bass community. This appears to be changing, although not for any patriotic reasons.

"We just recently got picked up by Nova FM," says Harding. "They started charting one of our tunes, [Another Planet], which I don't think they knew was produced by an Australian group. I just think [it was] the fact it had charted in the UK - they just sort of emulate whatever is going on over there.

"Someone brought to their attention that we were from Perth and they were like, 'Oh, shit.'"

So now that Australia is listening, are there any plans to continue the music career at home?

"Maybe ... Perth is a bit of an extended retirement village. It's a good place to end a career, really."

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