News from Russia /

Issue No. 4, Dated 24 January 2003

      Table of Contents:

Domestic Affairs


    MOSCOW, February 10: Head of the Chechen administration Akhmad Kadyrov has signed a decree appointing Anatoly Popov Prime Minister of the republic. The previous Chechen Prime Minister, Mikhail Babich, resigned earlier.

    Anatoly Popov was born in the Volgograd region, on the Volga, and graduated from the economic department of the Volgograd Agriculture Institute. Popov is a Doctor of Economic Sciences.

    He worked at an agricultural research and development institute, voluntarily took part in eliminating the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident. In 1991, he served as a consultant to the staff of the USSR Council of Ministers.

    Afterwards Popov worked as deputy director general of the MENATEP bank, financial director of Rosvooruzhenie and headed the School of Investment Management of the National Economy Academy under the Russian government.

    On May 14, 2001, Popov was appointed director general of the federal state enterprise “Directorate for building and restoration works in Chechnya”. On August 16, 2002, he became deputy chairman of the governmental committee for restoration of Chechnya.

    He also took part in working out a social-economic programme to restore the republic’s economy.

    In an interview to the newspaper ‘ Rossiiskaya Gazeta’, Anatoli Popov said that Chechnya needs stability more than anything else before an upcoming constitutional referendum. “Things are not to take a turn in which people come to the polls, and see later on that life is getting back to normal - that ought to go parallel, in the worst case, if improvements do not outrun the referendum.”

    The Premier is determined to go on doing what he can to raise Chechnya from the ruins-”I’ll do on my new job what I was doing before, though there will be more headaches and responsibilities.”

    Social and economic matters will be in the foreground, alongside construction and housing and industrial repairs. “The Chechen public is not to feel government crises and suspended work. That is all over now, at last. Pension and grant payments, and new job opportunities will be the first I shall attend to,” he said.


    MOSCOW, February 11: Moscow backs up the international monitoring of the Chechen constitution referendum, scheduled for March 23rd and elections following it. The statement to this effect was made by Russia’s Foreign Ministry official spokesman Alexander Yakovenko when commenting on the international monitoring of the referendum on the Chechen constitution. “I’d like to say that the draft constitution of the Chechen republic is being considered at the Council of Europe now,” he said.

    At the Moscow meeting on February 4th, Russia’s Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov and OSCE Chairman-in-Office Jaap de Hoop Scheffer agreed that the OSCE Technical Group would be sent to Chechnya to monitor the referendum on the constitution.

    The sides decided to discuss as well the long-term OSCE presence in Chechnya.

    Moreover, Russia voiced its intention to invite other international organisations - the OSCE Bureau for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the CIS Executive Committee - as observers to the Chechen referendum.

to Table of contents

Economy & Industry


    MOSCOW, February 12: Russia no longer has to face a peak of payment of its foreign debts, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov said addressing the State Duma (lower parliamentary house) today. Russia’s foreign debt share fell from 100 down to 40%. “There is no such thing as the foreign debt problem any longer,” said the Premier. The country’s federal financial system has been consolidated. Both the federal and consolidated budgets have been completely balanced by now, he noted.

    According to the Premier, last year brought in surpluses at nearly all levels.

    Last year GDP boosted 4.3%, productivity increased by 4.5%, while the population’s real incomes went by nearly 9% up. Over the past 3 years, GDP boosted by 20% and people’s real incomes by almost one fourth.


    LONDON, February 11: British Petroleum, Britain’s major oil company, is investing US$6.75 billion in a joint venture it is setting up in Russia along with Russia’s Alfa Access-Renova group. A relative agreement has already been inked in London, BP’s HQ told RIA Novosti.

    The parties to the agreement are expected to set up a new company to deal in the oil and gas sector and to be Russia’s third largest company in terms of capital assets in this sector. BP’s direct investments in the would-be company will make US$3 billion of financial assets. The British oil giant will own 50% of the company’s shares. Besides, the investor has pledged to boost its assets in the company by US$1.25 billion annually during the next 3 years by transferring its shares to it.

    Tyumen Oil Company, or TNK, and Sidanco, which are owned by Alfa Access-Renova group and which produce 1.2 million barrels of oil daily, will be merged into the new company. In BP’s estimates, the emerging business entity will have an oil reserve of at least 5.5 billion barrels. BP will transfer its Sidanco and Russia Petroleum shares, as well as its equity in the Sakhalin-5 project and in a net of gasoline stations in Moscow, to the new company. Alfa Access-Renova, on its part, will put up its assets in TNK, Sidanco, Russia Petroleum, in eastern Siberia’s Rospan gas deposit, and Sakhalin 4 and 5 projects into the joint venture, reported the BP’s London HQ.

    The deal is a major strategic step towards the market that possesses vast oil and gas reserves and has a permanent growth potential, said Lord Browne, BP group’s CEO.

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International Affairs


    PARIS, February 10: Russia, France and Germany issued a joint statement on Iraq. All the three Parties applied final touches to it today, President Jacques Chirac of France announced after summitry with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin.

    The statement emphatically refers to UN Security Council resolution 1441 as a sound basis for urgent Iraqi disarmament. The resolution offers a wide range of opportunities, and not all of them have been exhausted.

    There is still an alternative to warfare. The use of force is an extreme means. Russia, France and Germany are firmly determined to do everything necessary to bring Iraqi disarmament to a successful end by peaceful means, stresses the statement.

    Its signatories insist on Iraqi inspections going on, and call to reinforce the monitoring teams with all necessary personnel and equipment in coordination with the inspectors and in compliance with resolution 1441.

    Iraq must actively cooperate with the UNMOVIC and the IAEA for the inspections to be a success. Iraq is to become fully aware of its responsibilities, stresses the tripartite document.

    The three countries’ leaders highlight certain fruit the inspections have brought for today. On the whole, Russia, France and Germany are acting in close coordination on settling the developments round Iraq, and call for its disarmament to finish as soon as possible in compliance with resolution 687 and all subsequent UN Security Council resolutions.

    Many ways to bring Iraqi disarmament to final success are now under debate. Such debates must go on in the spirit of friendship and mutual respect, which characterise the signatory countries’ relations with the USA and other countries. Whatever decisions are made ought to proceed from the UN Charter.

    Many countries - UN Security Council members among them – share the joint stance of Russia, France and Germany, says the statement.


    PARIS, February 12: Vladimir Putin has stressed that the USA is aware that France, Germany and Russia have signed a joint statement on Iraq. According to his words, Russia’s Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov had a subject-related talk with his US counterpart yesterday.

    Moreover, the Russian President told journalists, “we make no secret of our position,” which did not change. He denied the media reports that said Russia had assumed some sort of “intermediate position.”

    Our position is clear, understandable and consistent, Putin said. We have always objected to force; we do not think it is necessary to protect the Iraqi regime but we do think it is necessary to bring pressure to bear on Iraq, he observed. At the same time, he did not rule out that if Iraq happened to “react to the international inspectors’ demands negatively” Russia would be ready to “take new, more decisive steps.” “We hope they will heed to our opinion,” he concluded.

    France, Germany and Russia did not coordinate their statement on Iraq with their Ministries of Foreign Affairs as they made it in Paris on Monday. The statement was a pleasant surprise to him, the President said as he was addressing Russian newsmen in Paris. Putin highly appreciated President Jacques Chirac’s spectacular contribution to the statement. It was made on his initiative, and is wholly his merit. More than that, a statement of that kind could be made only in France. If it were made in Russia, all would say Moscow was out to drive in a wedge between Europe and the USA. Then, no other country is so influential in foreign affairs as France, while certain major countries still need some time to realise just how strong they have become.

    “So the thing could happen nowhere but in Paris,” concluded President Putin and added that not all had yet appreciated the importance of the tripartite statement.

    France, Germany and Russia have a chance to prove to the USA that their stance on Iraq is correct, hopes President Vladimir Putin, as he said to Russian journalists.

    “We shall possibly persuade our partners in the USA if we are dynamic, consistent and tactful,” remarked Russia’s President. But then, he acknowledged, the international community would have never made Iraq cooperate with international inspectors if not for the tough American attitude. It was fruit of our team efforts to have Iraq so cooperative as it is now, he pointed out.

    A majority of the global community is opposed to the idea of Iraqi warfare. Turkey’s Prime Minister got President Putin on the telephone yesterday, to say that he approved the Franco-Russo-German initiative. Turkey quite recently hosted a forum of countries bordering on Iraq, at which the conferees said they did not see any threats from Baghdad, added the Premier.

    Latin American countries also made a statement similar to what France, Russia and Germany made on Monday. All that comes to testify that Iraq is not threatening any other country, and it “will be unable to use anything even if it has hidden it” - provided international inspectors are always present, expects President Putin.

    The joint statement of Russia, France and Germany on Iraq came as the world’s first attempt, since World War II, to settle an international conflict outside blocs, pointed out President Vladimir Putin.

    “There is no bloc, and we are not cooking up an axis,” remarked the President - and emphatically repeated that the statement had come as an initial contribution to the multi-polar world cause.


    PARIS, February 12: Russia does not yet see any reason to use its veto right as the UN Security Council votes the Iraqi issue, said President Vladimir Putin in a live interview with the TF-1 television company.

    “We cherish Security Council unity. Nevertheless, if anything is done now to trigger off ungrounded use of force, we shall counteract it, whether with France or without it.”

    There is no reason whatever to be apprehensive of differing views on the Iraqi problem - but when a different opinion comes from the West, it brings a more heated response than when it comes from Russia, remarked the President.

    In this particular instance, the Western community is working, among other things, for the right to have its own opinion, he added. The joint Russo-Franco-German statement on developments round Iraq came as a first-ever attempt to settle a bad security crisis outside blocs. The statement has come as an initial contribution to an emergent multipolar world. It is indicative that the document appeared in Paris - it came as President Jacques Chirac’s contribution to history, Vladimir Putin said.

    Against New European Barriers

    Vladimir Putin is uneasy as attempts are made to criss-cross Europe with new demarcation lines. “Geography, mentality and culture make Russia an European country. We are enthusiastic about emergent European unity. The idea of progress outside Europe appears preposterous to Russia-and we do not want to see new demarcation lines appearing in Europe,” he said.

    “Europe accounts for close on a half of the Russian trade turnover-but the European Union is admitting new members. The EU has special commercial and economic rules, so Russian economic contacts with that part of Europe may come under severe test.”

    Putin also regrets Russia cannot anymore visit Central and Eastern Europe without visas. An impression occasionally arises that Russia is being deliberately ousted into the background of European politics-but then, everyone is eager to step up contacts with Russia, he remarked.

    We are interested in partnership, and we hope for positive developments, the President said emphatically.

    There are problems in Russian democratic progress, acknowledged the President. “Russia has embarked on a democratic road. No one doubts that, and there is no turn back-but ours is a problem-laden progress. The worst problems are with the public mentality. It is a socialist mentality of its worst kind-people want to get as much as possible from the state, and never care about its resources. So our progress is extremely careful. To undermine public confidence in the state would be the worst blunder possible. Reforms must be made to improve the nation’s life,” said the President.

    Al-Qaeda Stays In Touch With Chechen Terrorists

    Though Al-Qaeda does not have training camps in Chechnya any longer, it remains in contact with Chechen terrorist gangs. Its instructors have stayed in Chechnya, and financing goes on. The French secret services know that much, as well as Russian, President Vladimir Putin said to the TF-1 television company in a live interview.

    Russia will fight terrorism up to final victory. No one can demand from Russia to surrender to terrorists, the President said emphatically.

    Terrorists snatched the fruit of independence, which was granted to Chechnya some time ago, and turned the republic into a bridgehead in a violent drive for a new quasi-state, the Caliphate. Russia has no intelligence data to prove similar links between Al-Qaeda and Iraq, though such information came at the latest UN Security Council session, and will be duly verified.

    The President made a reference to his intelligence background to remark that “spies are mere kids compared to politicians. Things were simple there.”


    MOSCOW, February 10: Hans Blix, UNMOVIC Executive Manager, and Muhammad El-Baradei, IAEA Director-General, held negotiations in Baghdad, last weekend.

    The talks “brought positive results, on the whole”, and promise constructive debates on the Iraqi issue, which the UN Security Council has appointed for Friday, February 14, says Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs press and information department. International inspections of Iraq must go on in compliance with the Security Council mandate, is the Russian view, stressed ministerial PR.

    Following the Baghdad talks of February 8-9, which concerned international monitoring. Messrs. Blix and El-Baradei made oral statements to highlight progress made at the negotiation table. Further inspections may come as an alternative to war, they pointed out. As they announced, Iraq had offered to international inspectors more information concerning biological, chemical and missile arsenals, and made certain proposals for methods of verifying WMD destruction.


    PARIS, February 11: Russian President Vladimir Putin has expressed his conviction that the political partnership between Russia and France has traditionally been of a “stabilising nature” for Europe.

    While appearing at a meeting with French academics today, the Russian President said that both countries had on more than one occasion been allies in both the creation of peaceful alliances and military and political coalitions against arising threats.

    Putin said that the conviction existed in both countries that global problems had to be resolved “on the basis of the principles and norms of international law.”

    According to the President, Russo-French relations have always been “something more than just co-operation between two states.” The Russian head of state said that one could talk about a unification of mutually enriching cultures. According to him, there is a huge humanitarian aspect to the privileged partnership between Russia and France.

    In Putin’s opinion, the “closeness of world outlooks helps the two countries effectively co-operate on the UN Security Council, in the G8, the OSCE and other mechanisms of partnership.


    PARIS, February 11: France is coming close to the ranks of world leaders for investment in the Russian fuel-and-power complex, said President Vladimir Putin as he was addressing the French businessmen in Paris today. That progress is specially welcome as bilateral energy partnership is developing into principal guarantee of all-European energy security, he pointed out.

    Russian-French partnership is gaining success not only in long-established industries but in high technologies, which will determine 21st century economic developments.

    A bilateral industrial ad hoc team promotes partnerly R&D in biotechnologies, optoelectronics, nanotechnology and other trailblazing fields.

    Russia intends to use its boosters for commercial satellite launches in France’s Kourou space centre. There are many more fields in which the two countries have joined hands for space efforts.

    As practice has shown, pooled-in innovation technological efforts offer Russian- and French-based manufacturers big benefits in competition. That is a resource the two countries share to improve the situation of their national economies in the global market, stressed the President.

    Russian aircraft manufacturers are working for closer production and technological partnership with TALES Co. and the European Airbus consortium. The MI-38, of Russian design and manufacture, provides a sound basis for a jumbo cargo helicopter to be jointly manufactured by French, German and Russian companies.

    When a political dialogue proceeds from genuine national interests of either country, it certainly brings economic fruit. Russian-French partnership has proved that point. Another proof lays in the latest statistics-suffice it to mention the bilateral trade turnover, which came 11% up last year to hit an US$4.2 billion mark, said Putin.

    French capital and French-based companies are ever more active in Russia. That, too, is extremely welcome to the host country.

    Russia is paying in kind. More than twenty banking, insurance and transport companies have been set up in France for now with Russian capital taking part.

    Also linking the two countries are ambitious long-term projects in iron-and-steel and non-ferrous metal industries, construction, tourism, and the agro-industrial and fuel-and-power complexes, stressed President Putin.

    For Closer Small Business Ties

    Russian and French small and medium-scale business ought to step up partnership, whose vast potential now stands idle, the Russian President said. If efficiently organised, such partnership promises to graphically increase the number of commodities for bilateral commerce and send the trade turnover skyrocketing.

    Total overseas investment in Russia is approaching an US$40 billion mark. Russian credit ratings are steadily rising, and currency reserves growing. The country owes those indices to improvements of investment and other business terms, and progress in the domestic market, Vladimir Putin said.

    Russia is doing much for a transparent and legally guaranteed economy open to the biggest possible transnational partnership.

    Russian-French business partnership has every chance to prosper. Such partnership promotes not only the two nations’ interests but also European integration, he stressed.


    BERLIN, February 9: Vladimir Putin believes that major political and economic achievements are impossible without close humanitarian contacts. The Russian President said as much at the opening of the Year of Russian Culture in Germany and the Russo-German Cultural Meetings 2003-2004. Cultural contacts constitute the foundation of stable cooperation which helps establish new bridges of friendship between nations, the Russian President said.

    According to Vladimir Putin, he agrees with the Federal Chancellor in that “millions of victims were thrown into the furnace of war and precious cultural heritage was lost for good.” Today a special responsibility for the maintenance of peace lies with us, the Russian president said.

    While compiling the programme of the events, “we wanted it to help German society have an objective notion of modern Russia. The new notion of a new Russia, going beyond the outdated cliches,” the Russian leader added.


    MOSCOW, February 12: The State Duma today issued a statement “On a possible use of force against the Republic of Iraq.” The document states that the State Duma “confirms its statement of January 22, 2003 “On the aggravating situation in the Republic of Iraq,” once again voicing its concerns over the increasing threat of using force against Iraq without UN Security Council authority.

    State Duma deputies believe that “the Iraqi authorities have complied with Resolution 1441 of the UN Security Council (2002), and hope that Iraq will continue to cooperate with the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC).”

    State Duma deputies welcomed the joint statement signed by Russia, France and Germany on February 11, 2003 which states the need to make decisions on Iraq in accordance with the United Nations Charter.

    State Duma deputies called on the UN Security Council member countries to “promote the idea of political settlement of the Iraqi disarmament crisis in their respective countries under today’s challenging conditions for the international peace and security.”


    MOSCOW, February 10: The Russian Foreign Ministry has welcomed new positive moments in Iraq’s co-operation with the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission and the International Atomic Energy Agency and urged the sides to continue co-operating on a larger scale.

    During an audience with Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Yury Fedotov today, Iraqi Ambassador Abbas Khalaf Kunfud reported the results of UNMOVIC head Hans Blix and IAEA Director-General Mohammed ElBaradei’s visit to Baghdad on February 8-9, said a source in the Foreign Ministry.

    Fedotov said he was pleased with the new positive moments in Iraq’s co-operation with UNMOVIC and the IAEA. “It was stressed that the Iraqi side had to go on developing this co-operation as far as possible,” the source reported.

    The Russian side confirmed its unvarying position that the situation around Iraq must be settled by political means and in strict accordance with the UN Security Council’s resolutions and norms of international law.


    MOSCOW, February 11: Russia can help the United States come out of the Iraqi affair with honour. The US is driving itself into a corner, Vladimir Lukin, Vice-Speaker of the Russian State Duma, or the lower parliamentary house, has said to a news conference at the Novosti agency.

    The US has found itself in a difficult situation, with Saddam Hussein having carried out virtually all the recommendations and met all the demands of the UN weapons inspectors, opined Lukin. The unilateral use of military force against Iraq would be the US’ political failure, furthermore so major European countries and Russia are opposed to the war.

    Yet, the US and Europe’s stances on Iraq are not that different, remarked the MP. “America threatens to unleash a war, should Iraq fail to fulfil disarmament obligations, while Europe says there will be no war if Iraq disarms,” Lukin noted.

    Russia can act as mediator and help the US and Europe find an adequate way out of the crisis, according to the Russian MP.


    MOSCOW, February 8: President Vladimir Putin has congratulated current and former members of the Russian Foreign Ministry on Diplomats’ Day.

    RIA Novosti learnt in the Kremlin press service that his message, in particular, read that although this occasion was being celebrated for the first time, the history of the country’s diplomatic service stretched for many centuries.

    The head of state wrote that the foreign ministry had always been considered an honourable and prestigious service, while its members received the highest level of training.

    Vladimir Putin stressed that the current generation of Russian diplomats were faithfully adhering to and augmenting the great professional traditions of their predecessors.

    “Foreign Ministry staff bear a huge responsibility for the clear and effective realisation of the country’s foreign policy aimed at enhancing Russian authority and prestige, her active participation in the solution of pressing and important international problems, and equal integration into the global economic system,” the President’s message read.


    MOSCOW, February 10: For the first time Russia marked Diplomats’ Day today. The professional day of the Russian diplomacy was established on October 31, 2002 by the order of the Russian President in honour of the 200th anniversary of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

    As the Russian Foreign Ministry said, it was on February 10th, 1549 when the Posolsky prikaz (Diplomatic prikaz) - Russia’s first foreign policy department set up by Ivan the Terrible – was mentioned for the first time. It marked the moment when the diplomatic service became an independent branch of state management and was granted a special status.

    In 1718-1720 the Posolsky prikaz was transformed into the Collegium of Foreign Affairs, and on September 8 (20), 1802, Alexander the First issued a manifesto to establish a Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The first Foreign Minister was Count Alexander Vorontsov. The Crimean War (1853-1856) battered Russia’s position on the international scene. During this period of troubles the Foreign Ministry was headed by Alexander Gorchakov (1856), who made great progress on the international scene and reorganised the department.

    Russia had established diplomatic ties with 47 countries and had over 200 representation offices abroad before World War I broke out.

    After the October Revolution in 1917 the People’s Comissariat for Foreign Affairs (Narkomindel) was set up by the Decree of the All-Russian Congress of Soviets.

    In the 1920s the ministry headed by Georgy Chicherin made efforts to take Russia out of the political isolation and restore it as an acknowledged, equal and integral part of the international community.

    During World War II Russian diplomats conducted the policy designed to strengthen the anti-Nazi coalition and open the second front in Europe and participated in drafting all founding inter-allied documents. Russian diplomats made great efforts to have the Organisation of the United Nations established. 

    The priorities of the postwar period of the Russian diplomacy were the struggle for peace, international detente and disarmament.  Russian diplomats greatly facilitated the all-European process, the landmark event of which was the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe signed in Helsinki in 1975. The foreign ministry of the Soviet Union played an important role in reaching agreements with the leading Western countries, in particular with the USA, in arms race control and disarmament.

    During the USSR perestroika in the later 1980s the West-East military and strategic confrontation almost faded, the German issue was finally settled and normal relations with China were established.

    After the collapse of the Soviet Union when the country was experiencing hard times Russia managed to protect the national interests on the international scene. The foreign policy of Russia as a new democratic country and USSR successor became consistent and pragmatic.

    Today the Russian Federation has diplomatic relations with 178 countries and 140 Embassies, 12 representation offices in international organisations, 74 Consulates General and 4 Consulates. The main office of the Russian Foreign Ministry employs over 3,300 people.

    As the Foreign Ministry said, the Russian President’s decision to establish Diplomats’ Day points out that the Russian diplomacy is recognised as one of the key parts of the Russian statehood.


    MUNICH, February 8: Russian Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov believes that all states must adopt the same approach to terrorists and terrorism - “either they are extradited, either they are tried where they are caught if they cannot be extradited, or eliminated.”

    While addressing an international conference on security and defence issues, Ivanov said, “the lack of a clear definition of terrorism allows terrorists to manoeuvre and avoid the consequences.”

    “If we cannot agree on united approaches to the problem of terrorism, then inevitably misunderstanding between each other will arise,” he said.

    Meanwhile, according to him, an Indian project on the conclusion of a comprehensive convention on combating terrorism, which includes a clear definition of the term, has been stuck in the UN for several years.

    Ivanov indicated that despite the slight lack of understanding, progress had been made in the development of anti-terrorist interaction.

    “The first real fruits of our co-operation have appeared over the past year,” Ivanov said, pointing to Russia’s interaction on a multilateral and bilateral basis with such organisations as the UN, NATO, the EU, the CIS and the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation. Sergei Ivanov said that during an informal ministerial meeting within the framework of the Russia-NATO Council, he and his colleagues had agreed to discuss the issue of territories that are formally under the judicial control of one state, but in reality, whether voluntarily or not, are breeding grounds for terrorism.

    “Chechnya, incidentally, was one of such places up until recently,” Ivanov reminded those present. According to him, the fight against international terrorism “will neither be easy, nor quick.” Therefore, he believes “we must be ready to fight new challenges.”

    Sergei Ivanov called on everyone “to think about the importance of preserving the unity of the anti-terrorist coalition and enhancing the resource of the developed interaction.” “Otherwise, our joint actions will not be very effective,” he said.

    According to him, much more has to be done in the future to defeat international terrorism, and the only way of achieving this aim is through acting together.

    “Russia is making its significant contribution to the fight against international terrorism and is prepared for the broadest co-operation with other countries in this sphere,” the Russian Defence Minister stressed.

    Calls For Abandoning “Double Standards”

    The Russian Defence Minister urges the world community to give up double standards in the fight against terror.  “Double standards may discredit the very concept of international co-operation in this vital area,” Sergei Ivanov told the International Conference on Defence and Security.

    He pointed out with regret that “we are witnessing our partners’ inadequate understanding of the problem of combating international terrorism on the territory of the Russian Federation.”

    Among other things, in Sergei Ivanov’s opinion, this lack of understanding is evident from some countries’ attitude toward the terrorist organisations operating in the North Caucasus.

    “Russia expects its partners to show understanding and co-operation in this issue so that the terrorist organizations committing outrageous crimes on the Russian soil were included in the list of internationally banned terrorist organisations,” he said.

    Moscow Concerned About Extremist Activity In Asia

    Moscow is concerned about the activity of extremist organisations that operate under the cover of humanitarian, spiritual and other centres in Asian countries. Sergei Ivanov said that the Al Rashid Trust, for example, which was founded in 1996 to provide Afghan refugees in Pakistan with assistance later, became active in Chechnya and Kosovo.

    Ivanov said that the organisation’s main aim was to promote the idea of a jihad (holy war) and an instant-armed reaction to any perceived oppression of Muslims.

    According to him, “Saudi Wahhabite structures are also continuing to use actively the territories of a series of states in the Middle and Near East to train militants from European, Asian and African countries.”  He pointed to ties between Pakistani Islamic schools belonging to the Jammaat-e-Islami, Damiet-ul-ulema-i-Islam and Jamiat-ul-ulema-i-Pakistan parties with various centres and militant training camps.

    Moreover, he pointed out that the publications of extremist organisations such as the Voice of Islam, Al Ribat, Zarb-i-Taiba, Zarb-i-Momin, Dharb-i-Momin and Jihad Time were still available and distributed freely. Ivanov said that the publications conducted ideological training for and the recruitment of young Muslim volunteers for terrorist activity. According to Ivanov, the development of the situation in the northwestern provinces bordering on Afghanistan, where the Taliban retain strong positions, is particularly alarming. The minister stressed that the military and political situation in Central Asia is one of the decisive factors in terms of global security.

    However, according to him, “it is pointless combating terrorism, using military force alone, when the fight does not affect its ideological grounds directly.”

    Sergei Ivanov said that the fight against terrorism would be far more effective, if the ideas of its inspirational forces could be made to look less attractive. He went on to say that the ties between terrorist organisations in various countries also had to be broken and their channels for equipment, money and men cut off.

    Ivanov stressed that Russia was a supporter of the formation of a regional, multi-polar, co-operative security system based on equal interaction between all the states in the area.

    The Russian Defence Minister said that the establishment of such a system would facilitate the enhancement of the current regional mechanisms of multilateral interaction and security safeguards, above all, the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation.


    ROME, February 10: The current developments in Afghanistan were prominent at a meeting between Russian Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov and his Italian counterpart, Antonio Martino. Ivanov said this as addressing a news conference in Rome today.

    “While discussing anti-terror efforts being taken in the Middle and Near East, and the Balkans, we touched on the situation in Afghanistan, where Italy is deploying its elite force of Alpine Riflemen, Ivanov said. The Iraqi problem being of topmost importance as of today, we nevertheless should not forget that a deal of terrorist organisations is still active throughout the world. The Taliban movement, for one, has not been completely eradicated in Afghanistan.”

    There are camps training terrorists, including those from Chechnya, in the areas uncontrolled by the Afghan authorities, said the minister. The terrorists are provided with poisonous agents and mass destruction weapons. They can well deal a strike on any point all across the world, Europe included, warned Ivanov. Such a development arouses our common deep concern, he emphasised.

    The two ministers deem it necessary that the role of Afghanistan’s central government should be enhanced. The government, they believe, must be powerful enough to restore order in the country. This would be what we call a strategic solution to the Afghan problem, said Sergei Ivanov.


    MOSCOW, February 6: Russia and Pakistan have spoken for the UN adoption of the draft International convention on suppression of nuclear terrorism and Universal convention on suppression of international terrorism, reads the Russia-Pakistan joint statement posted at the Russian President’s official web site.

    The document points out that Russia and Pakistan have denounced terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. They highlight the need for the comprehensive combating of terror including tough measures against ethnic and religious extremism, nuclear material and drug smuggling as well as transnational organised crime. Such measures must be also directed against those countries, organisations and individuals that are involved in terrorism, support, finance and encourage terrorists, harbour them or grant them asylum.

    The parties stressed the importance of a consistent fulfilment of the UN Security Council’s resolutions on suppression of terror, especially Resolution 1373.

    The sides also stressed the importance of giving a coordinated definition of terrorism.

    Russia and Pakistan claimed their interest in restoring constructive cooperation to combat international terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

    In this context the parties noted the creation of the Russian-Pakistani working group on counteracting international terrorism and other new threats and challenges to the international security. The first meeting of this group took place in Moscow, in December 2002.

    Against Arms Race In Space

    Russia and Pakistan have stood up against an armed race in space. The  joint statement stressed that “keeping outer space free of weapons” was “an important condition of further strengthening of strategic stability.”

    Russia and Pakistan confirmed their intention to enact close cooperation in bilateral and international formats in respect of strategic stability issues. Special attention was paid to the consultative mechanism the sides had set up within the framework of a joint Russian-Pakistani Group on Strategic Stability, whose first session was held in Moscow in January 2003.

    Pakistan welcomed Russia and the United States’ signing of the SOR, or the Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty. The sides confirmed their loyalty to the principles of the disarmament process, the existing non-proliferation regimes, and further strengthening of national systems of export control, stressed the statement.

    Russia and Pakistan have called to reduce the tension aroused by the North Korean nuclear programme in a peaceful way, reads the joint statement.

    The issue should be resolved “in cooperation between neighbouring countries and interested parties, including a constructive dialog between the USA and North Korea,” the document pointed out.

    Pakistan To Assist Russia In Joining WTO

    Pakistan is ready to assist Russia in joining the WTO, reads the joint statement. The parties agreed to start regular bilateral consultations on the issue, the document points out.

    At the same time Moscow and Islamabad emphasized the important role of the World Trade Organization in ensuring global growth and prosperity, expanding and extending world trade.

    Russia and Pakistan have agreed that in the context of Russia’s integration in the system of the world economic relations as a full member of the world economic and trade community, it is especially important that it join the WTO as soon as possible, the statement reads.

    The parties also declared the necessity to move towards fair and equal global political and economic order, based on the sovereign equality of all states, democratic values, the supremacy of the UN Charter and international legislation.

    Russia and Pakistan have agreed to speed up the settlement of issues concerning restructuring of Pakistan’s debt, settlement of mutual financial obligations, establishment of inter-bank relations, ensuring a favourable regime for trade and investment.

    These steps are necessary to eliminate the existing obstacles for developing cooperation between Russian and Pakistani organizations, reads the joint statement.

    The parties agreed that as the countries’ trade and economic links expanded, the Russian-Pakistani Inter-governmental Committee for trade-economic and scientific-technical cooperation would start its activities, the document emphasizes.

    Russia and Pakistan stressed the importance of further strengthening mutually profitable cooperation, first of all by expanding close economic interaction and increasing bilateral trade. Among perspective directions for cooperation the parties named the energy sphere, metallurgy, telecommunications, and a number of infrastructure projects.

    Moreover, Moscow and Islamabad confirmed their willingness to develop cooperation in the use of space technologies for peaceful purposes, the statement reads.

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Russian-Indian Relations


    MOSCOW, February 7: Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Prime Minister of India, had a telephone conference today to discuss South Asian developments and topical issues of bilateral contacts, report Kremlin PR.

    The conference was held to implement an understanding the two national leaders made in their telephone conversation on February 4.

    South Asian prospects were discussed with consideration for recent Russo-Pakistani summitry in Moscow.


    MOSCOW, February 12: Indian Foreign Minister Yashwant Sinha will visit Moscow on February 19-20, diplomatic sources in Moscow told RIA Novosti. The Indian Foreign Minister is expected to meet with his Russian counterpart Igor Ivanov, Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov and other top officials.

    The talks will focus on Russian-Indian bilateral relations and the situation in South Asia and the Korean Peninsula. Yashwant Sinha and Sergei Ivanov are to discuss Russian-Indian cooperation in the military-technical sphere and security problems.


    MOSCOW, February 11: RIA Novosti was told by a source in Rosaviakosmos today that Russia and India would take part in four joint civilian space programmes.

    The source indicated that an agreement on co-operation had been reached at the Bangalore aerospace show, “AeroIndia-2003.”

    The source explained that Russian specialists had invited India to participate in the GLONASS project, which is designed to secure navigation systems with the help of satellites, as well as a project to use satellites for communications’ purposes.

    In the next two months the sides will also discuss joint projects to investigate the Moon and to create a launch system for heavy satellites in India.

    It was stressed that a special space sub-commission had been set up under the Russo-Indian Inter-Governmental Commission for Science and Technology to implement these agreements.


    NEW DELHI, February 7: A long-term program for joint creation of an aircraft of the fifth generation will strengthen the strategic partnership of Russia and India, the RIA Novosti correspondent quotes Yuri Koptev as saying at a press conference in Bangalore. Koptev is the General Director of the Russian Space Agency (Rosaviakosmos).

    In his opinion, the plane will be in great demand at the international arms market. It is a multi-functional fighter, an offspring of the well-known Russian design bureau Sukhoi. Its creation and manufacture is a “super-project” in which over 600 Russian companies and the Indian corporation Hindustan Aeronautics Limited will participate, said Yuri Koptev.


    IRKUTSK, February 7: A deal on the construction of a new Russo-Indian military transport aircraft on the basis of the IL-214 is planned to be signed at the International Aerospace Show in Bangalore. Partners to create the new steel bird will be the Irkut Research and Production Corporation and the Hindustan Aeronautic Limited Company.

    The designing of the new aircraft, able to board up to 20 tons of cargo, is estimated preliminarily at $350 million, Alexander Tishkin, deputy head of the Irkut Corporation’s PR Service, said.

    The air show in Bangalore is also featuring the Su-30MKI fighter, produced by Irkutsk’s aircraft designers. The contract on the aircraft’s supply to India is being successfully fulfilled.


    NEW DELHI, February 7: Participants of the Russian-Indian conference, “A Dialogue Among Civilizations”, that concluded in Delhi have passed a declaration proposing a new concept of globalisation.

    Russian First Deputy Minister of Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, who had headed the Russian delegation, explained the essence of the concept to RIA Novosti. He said that the conference participants supposed that Russia, India and China could create a basis for a new history of the civilization’s development under globalisation conditions. “As contrast to the American exclusive globalisation aimed at establishing control over all resources and energy sources, we propose inclusive globalisation,” the Russian representative said. Globalisation development by this principle does not imply “exclusion of some countries, like Iraq, Iran or Pakistan but their involvement in the common sphere of human values,” he explained. 

    The next conference that will take place in September on the Greece island of Rhodes will be devoted to promotion of this idea. A delegation from China will also be among the participants.

    At the Delhi forum the former Premier, Inder Kumar Gujral, headed the Indian delegation.


    NEW DELHI, February 7: India and Russia intend to speed up the realisation of the project of the North-South transport corridor, Russian First Deputy Minister of Railways Vladimir Yakunin told RIA Novosti. On Friday, he concluded his negotiations in Delhi with the leadership of the Indian Ministry of Transport.

    According to Vladimir Yakunin, the sides have agreed to concentrate their efforts on popularising this project among the cargo owners, and on removing the existing national barriers on the way towards the realisation of this project.

    The discussion of these measures will be continued at the session of the observation council of the Treaty on the North-South Transport Corridor which will be held in March in Tehran.

    The Russian representative pointed out that the second corridor will make it possible to considerably cut the time of delivering cargoes in comparison with the transport corridor through the Suez Canal. Its attractiveness is obvious. This can be seen from the fact that Byelorussia and Kazakhstan have already joined the Treaty and that a whole number of other countries, from Scandinavia to South East Asia, have shown their interest in the project, Yakunin believes.

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Science & Technology


    MOSCOW, February 12: Russia and other partners on the International Space Station, ISS, programme are discussing the further use of the Station in the wake of the US Columbia space shuttle crash. Sergei Gorbunov, press spokesman for Russia’s Rosaviakosmos space agency, said this in a RIA Novosti interview today.

    The countries consider reducing the ISS crew size as an option, said Gorbunov. He did not rule out that the 7th expedition crew, which was set for April-May 2003, may involve two cosmonauts - a Russian cosmonaut and an American astronaut - instead of three as had been originally planned.

    The 8th expedition crew of three cosmonauts will most likely take shift in the autumn. There will be a Russian cosmonaut, a US astronaut and their colleague from the European Space Agency on the 8th permanent crew.

    To represent Europe on the ISS is Pedro Duque of Spain. He will stay on the Station for only a week and will be back on Earth with the 7th crew.

    The money the European Space Agency has paid for the would-be space flight will go to build a new Russian spaceship, said the Rosaviakosmos spokesman.


    MOSCOW, February 12: Russia’s Rosaviakosmos agency and the European Space Agency (an umbrella organization for the national agencies of 15 EU member states) have signed a treaty on cooperation in space research and exploration. The signing ceremony took place in Paris today.

    According to Tatyana Suslova, ESA representative in Moscow, the deal will open up new opportunities for collaborative endeavors in exploring planets of the solar system, primarily Mars, and in designing launching vehicles. It will also pave the way for a contract for the use of the Russian-made Soyuz booster at the launching site at Kourou, in French Guiana.

    The newly-signed agreement-a follow-up to the ones reached by the Russian and the European space agencies in 1990-will set the stage for broader cooperation and strategic partnership between Russia and the EU, Mrs. Suslova said.


    WASHINGTON, February 11: The ISS current crew are ready to stay in orbit till a decision to shift them is made, the astronauts announced during a live conference televised in America.

    According to Russian cosmonaut Nikolai Budarin, the crew will hold on. “We are ready to stay here as long as necessary,” he stressed.

    In April the Russian spaceship Soyuz’s term in orbit is running out, and it will be substituted for, the cosmonaut recalled. “It was to bring us back to the Earth, but if it is necessary, we shall stay,” Budarin remarked.

    It has not been determined yet when the crew must return to the Earth, US astronaut Ken Bowersox, the commander of the crew, said in his turn. According to him, “the prospect” of staying in outer space overtime does not upset the crew.

    The commander also called reports, that the cosmonauts’ health would be under threat, if they stayed in orbit, ungrounded.


    MISSION CONTROL (Korolyov, Moscow Region), February 11: The Russian cargo spaceship Progress M-47 has carried out a successful operation to bring the International Space Station (ISS) into a higher orbit, the Mission Control’s press service informed RIA Novosti today.

    The orbit of the station was raised some 10 km by a sustained single-impulse burn of the Progress’s engines. Currently, the ISS is supposed to be 400 km from the Earth at apogee (the altitude is being specified), which will provide normal work conditions for cosmonauts of the 6th host crew at the station till this June.

    The operation was supposed to be carried out by an American space shuttle early in March. However, the break-up of the Columbia on February 1st suspended the shuttles from flights. In this connection only Russian spacecraft will be raising the ISS’ orbits, the Mission Control remarked.


    MOSCOW, February 11: Stepping up co-operation with Russia to ensure further functioning of the International Space Station (ISS) is a priority for the United States, said James Newman, NASA Director, Human Space Flight Programs, in Moscow today. According to him, co-operation with Russia became a priority after the Columbia catastrophe.

    Newman refused to comment officially on the question about possible American financial aid to Russia to ensure additional capabilities for cargo delivery to the ISS.

    As for Russo-American co-operation for ensuring cargoes delivery to the ISS, Newman said NASA and Rosaviakosmos experts were analysing both parties’ capabilities to carry out this process. 


    NOVOSIBIRSK, February 10: Eighty samples of tissue from a mammoth foot discovered by a Russian-Japanese summer expedition have arrived at a state scientific centre in Novosibirsk. 

    The tissue is from a mammoth foot which was well preserved in permafrost. It was found by the expedition to the Ust-Yana district of the Republic of Sakha/Yakutia/ and delivered to the Vektor state research centre of virology and biotechnology in the West Siberian city of Novosibirsk.

    Vladimir Repin, director of a collection of micro-organisms at the centre, said that this is the first time unique biological material had been obtained, tentatively aged about 13,000-50,000 years.

    The task now facing the Vektor, one of the world leaders in microbiology, is to carry out a complete biological investigation of the material and above all to attempt to find living cells of different structures, preferably the youngest ones. Such as, cartilaginous tissue cells, for example. 

    Repin noted that only if young cells are found can the question be raised of their utilisation for experiments to clone the mammoth, which Japanese scientists from the universities of Kinki and Tifu are going to undertake.

    Results of the investigations, Repin emphasised, will be made available for joint use to Russian and Japanese scientists.

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Art & Culture


    MOSCOW, February 6: President Vladimir Putin stands for new forms of state support for culture.

    Opening a session of the Presidential Council for Culture and Arts in the Kremlin today, Putin pointed to the unique importance of culture for Russia’s future. “The period our culture is going through is really critical. The solution of problems in this sphere is as important for our country as economic development.”

    Vladimir Putin said that “new, market, principles of work have come to this sphere.” “The state is not the only customer and ever-willing patron of arts any longer,” he stressed.

    The President acknowledged that “the arts market is more influenced by the consumers’ taste and their solvency.” Nevertheless, he stressed, “the Russian business has already learnt to use effective patterns of investment in humanitarian and cultural projects and began to get profit from them.”

    In this connection, Putin emphasised that “it is crucial not to lose the spheres, which cannot rely on the business’ support. They need aid and attention of the state. The main market principle ‘Demand generates supply’ does not always work in culture,” he said.

    He recalled that budget allocations to culture and arts had grown almost thrice in the past years and stressed that “new forms and patterns of financial and organisational support by the state need to be used for more efficiency.” The President believes that their basic element should be support for particular creative projects and, if necessary, particular cultural objects. He noted that the support for cultural objects should be determined by the quality of their product.


    MOSCOW, February 10: Staged at Moscow’s Theater Center in Dubrovka Street, the premiere of the newly revived musical “Nord-Ost” symbolized victory over evil forces and international terrorism.

    On October 23, 2002, Chechen terrorists interrupted the performance by announcing the cast and the audience were their hostages. After the hostages were liberated, few people believed it would be possible to revive the play-apart from heavy losses inflicted on the building and all the expensive equipment it contained, it was a severe psychological blow to the actors and potential viewers. And yet, the “Nord-Ost” team believed the play would survive. According to Georgy Vasilyev, the author and general producer of the musical, it wasn’t a matter of “reanimating ‘Nord-Ost’ or not” but a matter of where to do it. The state, business, and common citizens comprehensively supported the team. Redecoration of the building began the next day after the October 26 operation to liberate the hostages. In the long run, the Theater Center came to look even better than it had done before the attack.

    Talking to the press on the eve of the premiere, the general producer stated that “Nord-Ost” had become “part of Russia’s history.” This fact manifested itself in the musical’s logo, which initially said “Love Story”; today, the logo reads: “The Story of a Country. A Love Story.”


    MOSCOW, February 11: More than 4,000 items are on display at a permanent exposition called “History of Russia in the 15th-17th centuries,” which opened at Moscow’s State Historical Museum.

    The exposition occupies eight of the museum’s halls and features relics connected with one of the most difficult periods in the Russian history: the time when the Rurik Dynasty gave way to the Romanovs; Russian Orthodox Church acquired a new head in the form of a patriarch; the country had gone through the shock of lengthy wars, oprichnina (special administrative elite under Tsar Ivan the Terrible), the Time of Troubles, a church split-and preserved its ancient culture, military prowess and territorial integrity.

    The new exposition stands apart from other related events thanks to a multitude of items the country never exhibited before due to ideological reasons. Restorers presented 15th-17th century icons, a portrait of Patriarch Nikon, state seals, arms, first-printed books and a printing press, clothes, house utensils and articles made by Russian and foreign craftsmen.

    Back in 1997, the museum opened the first eight halls dedicated to ancient history from the Stone Age to formation of an ancient Russian State. The opening of the next eight-hall set was the second stage in the process of mounting of the museum’s permanent exposition.

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