Xu Shousheng re-elected governor of northwest China's Gansu Province
www.chinaview.cn 2008-01-27 13:55:15   Print

   ¡¡LANZHOU, Jan. 27 (Xinhua) -- Xu Shousheng was re-elected governor of northwest China's Gansu Province and Lu Hao the top provincial lawmaker at a session of the provincial legislature on Saturday.

    Xu, born in 1953 in the eastern Jiangsu Province, has been the provincial governor since January 2007. He joined the Communist Party of China (CPC) in October 1973.

    He was transfered from his home province to Gansu in 2001, to head the organization department of the CPC Gansu Provincial Committee.

    The provincial governor is head of the provincial government responsible for the economic, political, personnel, environmental and foreign affairs issues of the province. He ranks second in the province behind the CPC provincial committee secretary.

    Lu Hao, born in 1947 in the northern Hebei Province, has been the Communist Party chief of Gansu since April 2007 before his re-election at the first session of the 11th Gansu Provincial People's Congress, the provincial legislature, on Saturday.

Editor: Du Guodong
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