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Latest news from Downing Street 10 May 2008

A man is treated in a temporary hospital run by the Myanmar Army in a town hall meeting room in Kunyangon. Image copyright: Reuters9 May - Burma aid blockage "unacceptable"

The blocking of aid to the victims of Cyclone Nargis in Burma is "utterly unacceptable", the Prime Minister said earlier today.

Hundreds of thousands of people are now at risk of famine and disease in the wake of the disaster.


Harold Macmillan meeting John F Kennedy at the White House in 1961; Crown copyrightHistory films

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Harold Macmillan meeting John F Kennedy at the White House in 1961; Crown copyright

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Eden Project. Image copyright: Reuters9 May - PM on South West tour

Gordon Brown has begun his tour of the South West by visiting the Eden Project in Cornwall.


8 May - PM seeks to boost Northern Ireland economy


8 May - Heroes "should be recognised"


8 May - PM urges "difficult and brave steps" to Middle East peace


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Press Briefings

Morning press briefing from 9 May 2008

Briefing from the Prime Minister's Spokesman on: Scotland, economy, Burma and Environment Agency

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