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Frithjof Bergmann
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Frithjof Bergmann
Professor Emeritus

Contact Information
University of Michigan
Phone: 734-764-6285
Fax: 734-763-8071
About Frithjof Bergmann

Professor Bergmann's interests include continental philosophy –- especially Hegel, Nietzsche, Sartre, and Existentialism generally –- and also social and political philosophy, philosophical anthropology, and philosophy of culture. His on Being Free (1977) was issued in a paperback edition in 1978 and had twelve printings. Professor Bergmann founded the Center for New Work in Flint in 1981, and has developed a number of suggestions about work as a calling and a vehicle of self-realization, in rotation with mainstream employment, and involving a self-sufficiency that technology itself makes possible. He resides in Ann Arbor and continues to write and lecture on the practical, social, and cultural implications of philosophical thought.

College of Literature, Science, and the Arts University of Michigan Department of Philosophy