Miguel Romera
Instituto de Física Aplicada
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Serrano 144
28006 Madrid, Spain

Phone: [34] 91 563 12 84
Fax: [34] 91 411 76 51
E-mail: miguel@iec.csic.es

Ingeniero Industrial por la E.T.S.I. Industriales de Madrid.
Doctor Ingeniero de Telecomunicación por la E.T.S.I. Telecomunicación de Madrid.
Científico Titular del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.

Areas of interest in the past

  • Electroacoustics and electronic musical instruments

  • Classical musical scales

  • Automatic playing of pipe organ music by computer program

Areas of interest in the present

  • One-dimensional quadratic maps

  • Discrete dynamical systems

  • Mandelbrot set

  • Dynamics of the complex exponential family

Central Symmetry
in the Mandelbrot set

of the Mandelbrot set

Last update: 11/17/00