Website URL : http://www.magakernow.org.uk/index.aspx?articleid=38586

Cornish in Schools

Cornish is currently taught to some degree in five secondary schools and an increasing number of primaries.

Photo of children from Lanlivery School learning Cornish with Tales from Porth
Photo of children from Lanlivery School learning Cornish with Tales from Porth

In addition, quite a number of schools use some Cornish in the daily routine, whether it is taking the register or simply saying good morning!

A partnership with the Department for Children Schools and Families is resulting in a new scheme of accreditation for Cornish which can be used both by schools and by adult classes, and MAGA will be looking at other ways to support and help schools who wish to introduce Cornish or extend their use of it.

New resources for primary schools were launched in summer 2008 and there are plans to build on this in the future as well as initiate resources for other age groups.

Information of direct relevance to schools will be found in this area of the site as well as information on projects and work underway.