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About Australian Apprenticeships

Australian Apprenticeships encompass all apprenticeships and traineeships. They combine time at work with training and can be full-time, part-time or school-based.

Australian Apprenticeships* are the best way to combine training and employment and they can lead to a nationally recognised qualification.

Australian Apprenticeships are available to anyone of working age and do not require any entry qualifications. You can be a school-leaver, re-entering the workforce or simply wishing to change careers.

Australian Apprenticeships offer:

Australian Apprenticeships are available in a variety of certificate levels in more than 500 occupations across Australia, in traditional trades, as well as a diverse range of emerging careers in most sectors of business and industry, including:

No matter what industry you might be interested in, there is likely to be an Australian Apprenticeship to meet your needs. For more information contact an Australian Apprenticeships Centre in your region.

For the latest figures from the National Centre for Vocational Education Research on Australian Apprentices in training. Go to

*In some states and territories, Australian Apprenticeships are known as apprenticeships and traineeships.

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