Featured Articles




We hope you enjoy the new features and updated presentation of Encyclopædia Iranica online.  We are especially happy to be able to offer, at long last, a full-text search across the corpus of entries. But work continues at this new site and we ask for your patience as we strive to put all the pieces in place. In the meantime, we invite you to peruse our most recently published entries, posted in March 2010. The below report provides titles, authors and summaries of these entries.

In Focus


india in focus

The extensive historical relations between Iran and India have been covered in a series of survey articles on selected areas of interaction and mutual influence between the two culture areas under the rubric of INDIA; numerous other articles have also treated the various aspects of Iran-India relations, ranging from consideration of the fragmentary information available for the pre-Islamic period to an overview of the enormous body of history, poetry, and other literature produced in India in the Persian language.