Brazil Bans More Games

Country's Justice Ministry bans Doom, Mortal Kombat, Requiem, Blood, Postal, and Duke Nukem.

Brazil's Justice Ministry has taken a bite out of gaming today as it has banned six violent computer games. As reported by Reuters, the ministry has ordered police to pull all copies of Doom, Mortal Kombat, Requiem, Blood, Postal, and Duke Nukem from store shelves or face a stiff fine of 20,000 reais (US$11,000) per day. Removing the games should prove to be simple, since most of those games don't even exist in retail outlets anymore.

The ministry believes that the games affect the minds of gamers and make them violent. It cites a 24-year-old medical student and "computer devotee" named Mateus da Costa Meira, who walked into a local San Paulo cinema last month, where he shot and killed three people and wounded eight others. Traces of cocaine were found in Meira's system, and he was being treated for stress-related problems.

The ministry plans to remove other violent games from stores within the next 120 days.


  • Solid_Gabriel

    Posted Nov 18, 2006 3:17 pm PT

    "San Paulo"?
    It's São Paulo.

  • inimagination

    Posted May 25, 2006 5:33 pm PT

    I'm from Brazil!
    And Agente_Rolf is right!

  • Agente_Rolf

    Posted Jan 26, 2006 7:08 am PT

    That's nonsense.
    Because of a killer brazilian gamers suffer a penalty for something that they don't did.
    Only because this games is violent, that don't mean that the gamers will be violent too.

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