
Saturday 09 April 2011

Nick Clegg: I cry to music and even my sons ask why everyone hates me

Nick Clegg has admitted that he feels like a "punch bag" in the face of public hostility towards him and that he "cries to music", in his latest toe-curling magazine interview.

Nick Clegg has admitted that he regularly weeps while listening to music
Nick Clegg has admitted that he regularly weeps while listening to music Photo: GETTY IMAGES

Insisting that he is a human being with feelings, the Deputy Prime Minister said even his sons ask their “Papa” why he is hated by students following the row over tuition fees.

In words which will irritate No 10, he distanced himself from the Prime Minister, who he referred to as “Dave,” and insisted that, despite appearances, the two are not friendly.

He also admitted telling “white lies” to his family to explain his absences, adding that he was often "quite miserable" at the amount of time he was forced to spend away from them.

The candid interview, in this week’s New Statesman magazine, was conducted by Jemima Khan, the heiress and socialite, and is almost certain to raise questions about Mr Clegg’s judgement.

It follows another frank interview he gave to Piers Morgan for GQ magazine three years ago, in which he admitted to having had “no more than 30” previous lovers.

Even Mrs Khan described the interview as “excruciating,” adding that Mr Clegg “looks very, very sad,” and was: “Pale-faced, pale-eyed and so tired he appears taxidermied.”

Mr Clegg has been a focus of public anger since his party’s U-turn over student tuition fees, with protesters creating effigies of him, and dog excrement posted through his letterbox.

Asked by Mrs Khan whether he found this upsetting, he said: "Well look, I'm a human being, I'm not a punch bag – I've of course got feelings."

Discussing the effect on his family, he went on: "What I am doing in my work impacts on them emotionally, because my nine-year-old is starting to sense things and I'm having to explain things.

“Like he asks, 'Why are the students angry with you, Papa?'"

To get over his “misery” at failing to get the balance between his work and family life right, which he told Mrs Khan left him unable to do his job properly, he said that he went home at night to read novels. He added that he “cries regularly to music”.

No 10 will be less than impressed with Mr Clegg’s references in the interview to the Prime Minister.

Asked about Mr Cameron’s links to the News International newspaper group in the wake of the News of the World phone tapping scandal, the Deputy Prime Minister said: “If you've got an issue with it, speak to Dave.”

It is customary for Cabinet ministers to refer to the Prime Minister by his formal title even in private, and certainly in the setting of a set-piece interview.

In another apparent dig at Mr Cameron, the Liberal Democrat leader dismissed a question from Mrs Khan about reports that the Prime Minister and his wife had dined with Rebekah Brooks, the chief executive of News International, at her home in the Cotswolds.

Mr Clegg, who grew up in Buckinghamshire, snapped: “I don't know anything about Oxfordshire dinner parties."

He added: "Look, you're putting me in a very awkward spot. I don't hang out in Oxfordshire at dinner parties. It's not my world. It's never going to be my world."

When Mrs Khan asked about a tennis match the two men had played together, Mr Clegg went on: “I think we've played one game of tennis.

"Of course we meet from time to time but it's always basically to talk about what we're doing in government.

“We don't regard each other as mates and actually I don't think it would be a particularly healthy thing if we tried to become personal mates.

"I don't think a coalition works unless you have a very careful balance between mutual respect and civility and also a certain hardness, as at the end of the day you are representing different views."

In another apparent jibe at a Conservative cabinet colleague, in this case William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, the Liberal Democrat leader said he did not understand politicians who became involved in public affairs in their teens.

"I think that's deeply unhealthy,” he said. “I look at those people that got into politics when they were 16 and are still at it in their late 60s and think, 'My heavens above!'"

Mr Hague first addressed his party’s conference at the age of 16 and was his party’s leader when he was 36.

In another section of the interview which will play badly with the Conservatives, Mr Clegg boasted that he had "squeezed out of” George Osborne, the Chancellor, a Budget promise to create a green investment bank.

After the interview, Mr Clegg invited Mrs Khan to dinner at his country retreat of Chevening, but turned up two hours late leaving his guest to be looked after by Miriam, his “vibrant, pretty wife, with her big bawdy laugh.”

She and their children were described as “delightfully normal” in “stark contrast” with the Deputy Prime Minister, who appeared: “corpse-like with exhaustion”.

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