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Computer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field (2004)
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Computer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field

Data, Representation, and Information

The preceding two chapters address the creation of models that capture phenomena of interest and the abstractions both for data and for computation that reduce these models to forms that can be executed by computer. We turn now to the ways computer scientists deal with information, especially in its static form as data that can be manipulated by programs.

Gray begins by narrating a long line of research on databases—storehouses of related, structured, and durable data. We see here that the objects of research are not data per se but rather designs of “schemas” that allow deliberate inquiry and manipulation. Gray couples this review with introspection about the ways in which database researchers approach these problems.

Databases support storage and retrieval of information by defining—in advance—a complex structure for the data that supports the intended operations. In contrast, Lesk reviews research on retrieving information from documents that are formatted to meet the needs of applications rather than predefined schematized formats.

Interpretation of information is at the heart of what historians do, and Ayers explains how information technology is transforming their paradigms. He proposes that history is essentially model building—constructing explanations based on available information—and suggests that the methods of computer science are influencing this core aspect of historical analysis.


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Computer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field 5 Data, Representation, and Information The preceding two chapters address the creation of models that capture phenomena of interest and the abstractions both for data and for computation that reduce these models to forms that can be executed by computer. We turn now to the ways computer scientists deal with information, especially in its static form as data that can be manipulated by programs. Gray begins by narrating a long line of research on databases—storehouses of related, structured, and durable data. We see here that the objects of research are not data per se but rather designs of “schemas” that allow deliberate inquiry and manipulation. Gray couples this review with introspection about the ways in which database researchers approach these problems. Databases support storage and retrieval of information by defining—in advance—a complex structure for the data that supports the intended operations. In contrast, Lesk reviews research on retrieving information from documents that are formatted to meet the needs of applications rather than predefined schematized formats. Interpretation of information is at the heart of what historians do, and Ayers explains how information technology is transforming their paradigms. He proposes that history is essentially model building—constructing explanations based on available information—and suggests that the methods of computer science are influencing this core aspect of historical analysis.

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Computer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field DATABASE SYSTEMS: A TEXTBOOK CASE OF RESEARCH PAYING OFF Jim Gray, Microsoft Research A small research investment helped produce U.S. market dominance in the $14 billion database industry. Government and industry funding of a few research projects created the ideas for several generations of products and trained the people who built those products. Continuing research is now creating the ideas and training the people for the next generation of products. Industry Profile The database industry generated about $14 billion in revenue in 2002 and is growing at 20 percent per year, even though the overall technology sector is almost static. Among software sectors, the database industry is second only to operating system software. Database industry leaders are all U.S.-based corporations: IBM, Microsoft, and Oracle are the three largest. There are several specialty vendors: Tandem sells over $1 billion/ year of fault-tolerant transaction processing systems, Teradata sells about $1 billion/year of data-mining systems, and companies like Information Resources Associates, Verity, Fulcrum, and others sell specialized data and text-mining software. In addition to these well-established companies, there is a vibrant group of small companies specializing in application-specific databases—for text retrieval, spatial and geographical data, scientific data, image data, and so on. An emerging group of companies offer XML-oriented databases. Desktop databases are another important market focused on extreme ease of use, small size, and disconnected (offline) operation. Historical Perspective Companies began automating their back-office bookkeeping in the 1960s. The COBOL programming language and its record-oriented file model were the workhorses of this effort. Typically, a batch of transactions was applied to the old-tape-master, producing a new-tape-master and printout for the next business day. During that era, there was considerable experimentation with systems to manage an online database that could capture transactions as they happened. At first these systems were ad hoc, but late in that decade network and hierarchical database products emerged. A COBOL subcommittee defined a network data model stan-

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Computer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field dard (DBTG) that formed the basis for most systems during the 1970s. Indeed, in 1980 DBTG-based Cullinet was the leading software company. However, there were some problems with DBTG. DBTG uses a low-level, record-at-a-time procedural language to access information. The programmer has to navigate through the database, following pointers from record to record. If the database is redesigned, as often happens over a decade, then all the old programs have to be rewritten. The relational data model, enunciated by IBM researcher Ted Codd in a 1970 Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery article,1 was a major advance over DBTG. The relational model unified data and metadata so that there was only one form of data representation. It defined a non-procedural data access language based on algebra or logic. It was easier for end users to visualize and understand than the pointers-and-records-based DBTG model. The research community (both industry and university) embraced the relational data model and extended it during the 1970s. Most significantly, researchers showed that a non-procedural language could be compiled to give performance comparable to the best record-oriented database systems. This research produced a generation of systems and people that formed the basis for products from IBM, Ingres, Oracle, Informix, Sybase, and others. The SQL relational database language was standardized by ANSI/ISO between 1982 and 1986. By 1990, virtually all database systems provided an SQL interface (including network, hierarchical, and object-oriented systems). Meanwhile the database research agenda moved on to geographically distributed databases and to parallel data access. Theoretical work on distributed databases led to prototypes that in turn led to products. Today, all the major database systems offer the ability to distribute and replicate data among nodes of a computer network. Intense research on data replication during the late 1980s and early 1990s gave rise to a second generation of replication products that are now the mainstays of mobile computing. Research of the 1980s showed how to execute each of the relational data operators in parallel—giving hundred-fold and thousand-fold speedups. The results of this research began to appear in the products of several major database companies. With the proliferation of data mining in the 1990s, huge databases emerged. Interactive access to these databases requires that the system use multiple processors and multiple disks to read all the data in parallel. In addition, these problems require near- 1   E.F. Codd, 1970, “A Relational Model of Data from Large Shared Data Banks,” Communications of the ACM 13(6):377-387. Available online at

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Computer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field linear time search algorithms. University and industrial research of the previous decade had solved these problems and forms the basis of the current VLDB (very large database) data-mining systems. Rollup and drilldown data reporting systems had been a mainstay of decision-support systems ever since the 1960s. In the middle 1990s, the research community really focused on data-mining algorithms. They invented very efficient data cube and materialized view algorithms that form the basis for the current generation of business intelligence products. The most recent round of government-sponsored research creating a new industry comes from the National Science Foundation’s Digital Libraries program, which spawned Google. It was founded by a group of “database” graduate students who took a fresh look at how information should be organized and presented in the Internet era. Current Research Directions There continues to be active and valuable research on representing and indexing data, adding inference to data search, compiling queries more efficiently, executing queries in parallel, integrating data from heterogeneous data sources, analyzing performance, and extending the transaction model to handle long transactions and workflow (transactions that involve human as well as computer steps). The availability of huge volumes of data on the Internet has prompted the study of data integration, mediation, and federation in which a portal system presents a unification of several data sources by pulling data on demand from different parts of the Internet. In addition, there is great interest in unifying object-oriented concepts with the relational model. New data types (image, document, and drawing) are best viewed as the methods that implement them rather than by the bytes that represent them. By adding procedures to the database system, one gets active databases, data inference, and data encapsulation. This object-oriented approach is an area of active research and ferment both in academe and industry. It seems that in 2003, the research prototypes are mostly done and this is an area that is rapidly moving into products. The Internet is full of semi-structured data—data that has a bit of schema and metadata, but is mostly a loose collection of facts. XML has emerged as the standard representation of semi-structured data, but there is no consensus on how such data should be stored, indexed, or searched. There have been intense research efforts to answer these questions. Prototypes have been built at universities and industrial research labs, and now products are in development. The database research community now has a major focus on stream data processing. Traditionally, databases have been stored locally and are

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Computer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field updated by transactions. Sensor networks, financial markets, telephone calls, credit card transactions, and other data sources present streams of data rather than a static database. The stream data processing researchers are exploring languages and algorithms for querying such streams and providing approximate answers. Now that nearly all information is online, data security and data privacy are extremely serious and important problems. A small, but growing, part of the database community is looking at ways to protect people’s privacy by limiting the ways data is used. This work also has implications for protecting intellectual property (e.g., digital rights management, watermarking) and protecting data integrity by digitally signing documents and then replicating them so that the documents cannot be altered or destroyed. Case Histories The U.S. government funded many database research projects from 1972 to the present. Projects at the University of California at Los Angeles gave rise to Teradata and produced many excellent students. Projects at Computer Corp. of America (SDD-1, Daplex, Multibase, and HiPAC) pioneered distributed database technology and object-oriented database technology. Projects at Stanford University fostered deductive database technology, data integration technology, query optimization technology, and the popular Yahoo! and Google Internet sites. Work at Carnegie Mellon University gave rise to general transaction models and ultimately to the Transarc Corporation. There have been many other successes from AT&T, the University of Texas at Austin, Brown and Harvard Universities, the University of Maryland, the University of Michigan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Princeton University, and the University of Toronto among others. It is not possible to enumerate all the contributions here, but we highlight three representative research projects that had a major impact on the industry. Project INGRES Project Ingres started at the University of California at Berkeley in 1972. Inspired by Codd’s paper on relational databases, several faculty members (Stonebraker, Rowe, Wong, and others) started a project to design and build a relational system. Incidental to this work, they invented a query language (QUEL), relational optimization techniques, a language binding technique, and interesting storage strategies. They also pioneered work on distributed databases. The Ingres academic system formed the basis for the Ingres product now owned by Computer Associates. Students trained on Ingres went on

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Computer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field to start or staff all the major database companies (AT&T, Britton Lee, HP, Informix, IBM, Oracle, Tandem, Sybase). The Ingres project went on to investigate distributed databases, database inference, active databases, and extensible databases. It was rechristened Postgres, which is now the basis of the digital library and scientific database efforts within the University of California system. Recently, Postgres spun off to become the basis for a new object-relational system from the start-up Illustra Information Technologies. System R Codd’s ideas were inspired by seeing the problems IBM and its customers were having with IBM’s IMS product and the DBTG network data model. His relational model was at first very controversial; people thought that the model was too simplistic and that it could never give good performance. IBM Research management took a gamble and chartered a small (10-person) systems effort to prototype a relational system based on Codd’s ideas. That system produced a prototype that eventually grew into the DB2 product series. Along the way, the IBM team pioneered ideas in query optimization, data independence (views), transactions (logging and locking), and security (the grant-revoke model). In addition, the SQL query language from System R was the basis for the ANSI/ISO standard. The System R group went on to investigate distributed databases (project R*) and object-oriented extensible databases (project Starburst). These research projects have pioneered new ideas and algorithms. The results appear in IBM’s database products and those of other vendors. Gamma Not all research ideas work out. During the 1970s there was great enthusiasm for database machines—special-purpose computers that would be much faster than general-purpose operating systems running conventional database systems. These research projects were often based on exotic hardware like bubble memories, head-per-track disks, or associative RAM. The problem was that general-purpose systems were improving at 50 percent per year, so it was difficult for exotic systems to compete with them. By 1980, most researchers realized the futility of special-purpose approaches and the database-machine community switched to research on using arrays of general-purpose processors and disks to process data in parallel. The University of Wisconsin hosted the major proponents of this idea in the United States. Funded by the government and industry, those researchers prototyped and built a parallel database machine called

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Computer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field Gamma. That system produced ideas and a generation of students who went on to staff all the database vendors. Today the parallel systems from IBM, Tandem, Oracle, Informix, Sybase, and Microsoft all have a direct lineage from the Wisconsin research on parallel database systems. The use of parallel database systems for data mining is the fastest-growing component of the database server industry. The Gamma project evolved into the Exodus project at Wisconsin (focusing on an extensible object-oriented database). Exodus has now evolved to the Paradise system, which combines object-oriented and parallel database techniques to represent, store, and quickly process huge Earth-observing satellite databases. And Then There Is Science In addition to creating a huge industry, database theory, science, and engineering constitute a key part of computer science today. Representing knowledge within a computer is one of the central challenges of computer science (Box 5.1). Database research has focused primarily on this fundamental issue. Many universities have faculty investigating these problems and offer classes that teach the concepts developed by this research program. BOX 5.1 How Do You Know? A Long-Range View of Database Research How can knowledge be represented so that algorithms can make new inferences from the knowledge base? This problem has challenged philosophers for millennia. There has been progress. Euclid axiomized geometry and proved its basic theorems, and in doing so implicitly demonstrated mechanical reasoning from first principles. George Boole’s Laws of Thought created a predicate calculus, and Laplace’s work on probability was a first start on statistical inference. Each of these threads—proofs, predicate calculus, and statistical inference—were major advances; but each requires substantial human creativity to fit new problems to the solution. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just put all the books and journals in a library that would automatically organize them and start producing new answers? There are huge gaps between our current tools and the goal of a self-organizing library, but computer scientists are trying to fill the gaps with better algorithms and better ways of representing knowledge. Databases are one branch of this effort to represent information and reason about it. The database community has taken a bottom-up approach, working with simple data representations and developing a calculus for asking and answering questions about the database.

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Computer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field The fundamental approach of database researchers is to insist that the information must be schematized—the information must be represented in a predefined schema that assigns a meaning to each value. The author-title-subject-abstract schema of a library system is a typical example of this approach. The schema is used both to organize the data and to make it easy to express questions about the database. Database researchers have labored to make it easy to define the schema, easy to add data to the database, and easy to pose questions to the database. Early database systems were dreadfully difficult to use—largely because we lacked the algorithms to automatically index huge databases and lacked powerful query tools. Today there are good tools to define schemas, and graphical tools that make it easy to explore and analyze the contents of a database. This has required invention at all levels of the problem. At the lowest levels we had to discover efficient algorithms to sort, index, and organize numeric, text, temporal, and spatial information so that higher-level software could just pick from a wide variety of organizations and algorithms. These low-level algorithms mask data placement so that it can be spread among hundreds or thousands of disks; they mask concurrency so that the higher-level software can view a consistent data snapshot, even though the data is in flux. The low-level software includes enough redundancy so that once data is placed in the database, it is safe to assume that the data will never be lost. One major advance was the theory and algorithms to automatically guarantee these concurrency-reliability properties. Text, spatial, and temporal databases have always posed special challenges. Certainly there have been huge advances in indexing these databases, but researchers still have many more problems to solve. The advent of image, video, and sound databases raises new issues. In particular, we are now able to extract a huge number of features from images and sounds, but we have no really good ways to index these features. This is just another aspect of the “curse of dimensionality” faced by database systems in the data-mining and data analysis area. When each object has more than a dozen attributes, traditional indexing techniques give little help in reducing the approximate search space. So, there are still many unsolved research challenges for the low-level database “plumbers.” The higher-level software that uses this plumbing has been a huge success. Early on, the research community embraced the relational data model championed by Ted Codd. Codd advocated the use of non-procedural set-oriented programming to define schemas and to pose queries. After a decade of experimentation, these research ideas evolved into the SQL database language. Having this high-level non-procedural language was a boon both to application programmers and to database implementers. Application programmers could write much simpler programs. The database implementers faced the challenge of optimizing and executing SQL. Because it is so high level (SQL is a non-procedural functional dataflow language), SQL allows data to be distributed across many computers and disks. Because the programs do not mention any physical structures, the implementer is free to use whatever “plumbing” is available. And because the language is functional, it can be executed in parallel.

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Computer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field Techniques for implementing the relational data model and algorithms for efficiently executing database queries remain a core part of the database research agenda. Over the last decade, the traditional database systems have grown to include analytics (data cubes), and also data-mining algorithms borrowed from the machine-learning and statistics communities. There is increasing interest in solving information retrieval and multimedia database issues. Today, there are very good tools for defining and querying traditional database systems; but, there are still major research challenges in the traditional database field. The major focus is automating as much of the data administration tasks as possible—making the database system self-healing and self-managing. We are still far from the goal of building systems that automatically ingest information, reason about it, and produce answers on demand. But the goal is closer, and it seems attainable within this century.

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Computer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field COMPUTER SCIENCE IS TO INFORMATION AS CHEMISTRY IS TO MATTER Michael Lesk, Rutgers University In other countries computer science is often called “informatics” or some similar name. Much computer science research derives from the need to access, process, store, or otherwise exploit some resource of useful information. Just as chemistry is driven to large extent by the need to understand substances, computing is driven by a need to handle data and information. As an example of the way chemistry has developed, see Oliver Sacks’s book Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood (Vintage Books, 2002). He describes his explorations through the different metals, learning the properties of each, and understanding their applications. Similarly, in the history of computer science, our information needs and our information capabilities have driven parts of the research agenda. Information retrieval systems take some kind of information, such as text documents or pictures, and try to retrieve topics or concepts based on words or shapes. Deducing the concept from the bytes can be difficult, and the way we approach the problem depends on what kind of bytes we have and how many of them we have. Our experimental method is to see if we can build a system that will provide some useful access to information or service. If it works, those algorithms and that kind of data become a new field: look at areas like geographic information systems. If not, people may abandon the area until we see a new motivation to exploit that kind of data. For example, face-recognition algorithms have received a new impetus from security needs, speeding up progress in the last few years. An effective strategy to move computer science forward is to provide some new kind of information and see if we can make it useful. Chemistry, of course, involves a dichotomy between substances and reactions. Just as we can (and frequently do) think of computer science in terms of algorithms, we can talk about chemistry in terms of reactions. However, chemistry has historically focused on substances: the encyclopedias and indexes in chemistry tend to be organized and focused on compounds, with reaction names and schemes getting less space on the shelf. Chemistry is becoming more balanced as we understand reactions better; computer science has always been more heavily oriented toward algorithms, but we cannot ignore the driving force of new kinds of data. The history of information retrieval, for example, has been driven by the kinds of information we could store and use. In the 1960s, for example, storage was extremely expensive. Research projects were limited to text

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Computer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field materials. Even then, storage costs meant that a research project could just barely manage to have a single ASCII document available for processing. For example, Gerard Salton’s SMART system, one of the leading text retrieval systems for many years (see Salton’s book, The SMART Automatic Retrieval System, Prentice-Hall, 1971), did most of its processing on collections of a few hundred abstracts. The only collections of “full documents” were a collection of 80 extended abstracts, each a page or two long, and a collection of under a thousand stories from Time Magazine, each less than a page in length. The biggest collection was 1400 abstracts in aeronautical engineering. With this data, Salton was able to experiment on the effectiveness of retrieval methods using suffixing, thesauri, and simple phrase finding. Salton also laid down the standard methodology for evaluating retrieval systems, based on Cyril Cleverdon’s measures of “recall” (percentage of the relevant material that is retrieved in response to a query) and “precision” (the percentage of the material retrieved that is relevant). A system with perfect recall finds all relevant material, making no errors of omission and leaving out nothing the user wanted. In contrast, a system with perfect precision finds only relevant material, making no errors of commission and not bothering the user with stuff of no interest. The SMART system produced these measures for many retrieval experiments and its methodology was widely used, making text retrieval one of the earliest areas of computer science with agreed-on evaluation methods. Salton was not able to do anything with image retrieval at the time; there were no such data available for him. Another idea shaped by the amount of information available was “relevance feedback,” the idea of identifying useful documents from a first retrieval pass in order to improve the results of a later retrieval. With so few documents, high precision seemed like an unnecessary goal. It was simply not possible to retrieve more material than somebody could look at. Thus, the research focused on high recall (also stimulated by the insistence by some users that they had to have every single relevant document). Relevance feedback helped recall. By contrast, the use of phrase searching to improve precision was tried but never got much attention simply because it did not have the scope to produce much improvement in the running systems. The basic problem is that we wish to search for concepts, and what we have in natural language are words and phrases. When our documents are few and short, the main problem is not to miss any, and the research at the time stressed algorithms that found related words via associations or improved recall with techniques like relevance feedback. Then, of course, several other advances—computer typesetting and word processing to generate material and cheap disks to hold it—led to much larger text collections. Figure 5.1 shows the decline in the price of

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Computer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field FIGURE 5.1 Decline in the price of disk space, 1950 to 2004. disk space since the first disks in the mid-1950s, generally following the cost-performance trends of Moore’s law. Cheaper storage led to larger and larger text collections online. Now there are many terabytes of data on the Web. These vastly larger volumes mean that precision has now become more important, since a common problem is to wade through vastly too many documents. Not surprisingly, in the mid-1980s efforts started on separating the multiple meanings of words like “bank” or “pine” and became the research area of “sense disambiguation.”2 With sense disambiguation, it is possible to imagine searching for only one meaning of an ambiguous word, thus avoiding many erroneous retrievals. Large-scale research on text processing took off with the availability of the TREC (Text Retrieval Evaluation Conference) data. Thanks to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, several hundred megabytes of text were provided (in each of several years) for research use. This stimulated more work on query analysis, text handling, searching 2   See Michael Lesk, 1986, “How to Tell a Pine Cone from an Ice Cream Cone,” Proceedings SIGDOC, pp. 26-28.

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Computer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field algorithms, and related areas; see the series titled TREC Conference Proceedings, edited by Donna Harmon of NIST. Document clustering appeared as an important way to shorten long search results. Clustering enables a system to report not, say, 5000 documents but rather 10 groups of 500 documents each, and the user can then explore the group or groups that seem relevant. Salton anticipated the future possibility of such algorithms, as did others.3 Until we got large collections, though, clustering did not find application in the document retrieval world. Now one routinely sees search engines using these techniques, and faster clustering algorithms have been developed. Thus the algorithms explored switched from recall aids to precision aids as the quantity of available data increased. Manual thesauri, for example, have dropped out of favor for retrieval, partly because of their cost but also because their goal is to increase recall, which is not today’s problem. In terms of finding the concepts hinted at by words and phrases, our goals now are to sharpen rather than broaden these concepts: thus disambiguation and phrase matching, and not as much work on thesauri and term associations. Again, multilingual searching started to matter, because multilingual collections became available. Multilingual research shows a more precise example of particular information resources driving research. The Canadian government made its Parliamentary proceedings (called Hansard) available in both French and English, with paragraph-by-paragraph translation. This data stimulated a number of projects looking at how to handle bilingual material, including work on automatic alignment of the parallel texts, automatic linking of similar words in the two languages, and so on.4 A similar effect was seen with the Brown corpus of tagged English text, where the part of speech of each word (e.g., whether a word is a noun or a verb) was identified. This produced a few years of work on algorithms that learned how to assign parts of speech to words in running text based on statistical techniques, such as the work by Garside.5 3   See, for example, N. Jardine and C.J. van Rijsbergen, 1971, “The Use of Hierarchical Clustering in Information Retrieval,” Information Storage and Retrieval 7:217-240. 4   See, for example, T.K. Landauer and M.L. Littman, 1990, “Fully Automatic Cross-Language Document Retrieval Using Latent Semantic Indexing,” Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference of the UW Centre for the New Oxford English Dictionary and Text Research, pp. 31-38, University of Waterloo Centre for the New OED and Text Research, Waterloo, Ontario, October; or I. Dagan and Ken Church, 1997, “Termight: Coordinating Humans and Machines in Bilingual Terminology Acquisition,” Machine Translation 12(1/2):89-107. 5   Roger Garside, 1987, “The CLAWS Word-tagging System,” in R. Garside, G. Leech, and G. Sampson (eds.), The Computational Analysis of English: A Corpus-Based Approach, Longman, London.

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Computer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field One might see an analogy to various new fields of chemistry. The recognition that pesticides like DDT were environmental pollutants led to a new interest in biodegradability, and the Freon propellants used in aerosol cans stimulated research in reactions in the upper atmosphere. New substances stimulated a need to study reactions that previously had not been a top priority for chemistry and chemical engineering. As storage became cheaper, image storage was now as practical as text storage had been a decade earlier. Starting in the 1980s we saw the IBM QBIC project demonstrating that something could be done to retrieve images directly, without having to index them by text words first.6 Projects like this were stimulated by the availability of “clip art” such as the COREL image disks. Several different projects were driven by the easy access to images in this way, with technology moving on from color and texture to more accurate shape processing. At Berkeley, for example, the “Blobworld” project made major improvements in shape detection and recognition, as described in Carson et al.7 These projects demonstrated that retrieval could be done with images as well as with words, and that properties of images could be found that were usable as concepts for searching. Another new kind of data that became feasible to process was sound, in particular human speech. Here it was the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) that took the lead, providing the SWITCH-BOARD corpus of spoken English. Again, the availability of a substantial file of tagged information helped stimulate many research projects that used this corpus and developed much of the technology that eventually went into the commercial speech recognition products we now have. As with the TREC contests, the competitions run by DARPA based on its spoken language data pushed the industry and the researchers to new advances. National needs created a new technology; one is reminded of the development of synthetic rubber during World War II or the advances in catalysis needed to make explosives during World War I. Yet another kind of new data was geo-coded data, introducing a new set of conceptual ideas related to place. Geographical data started showing up in machine-readable form during the 1980s, especially with the release of the Dual Independent Map Encoding (DIME) files after the 1980 6   See, for example, Wayne Niblack, Ron Barber, William Equitz, Myron Flickner, Eduardo H. Glasman, Dragutin Petkovic, Peter Yanker, Christos Faloutsos, and Gabriel Taubin, 1993, “The QBIC Project: Querying Images by Content, Using Color, Texture, and Shape,” Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases (SPIE), pp. 173-187. 7   C. Carson, M. Thomas, S. Belongie, J.M. Hellerstein, and J. Malik, 1999, “Blobworld: A System for Region-based Image Indexing and Retrieval,” Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference on Visual Information Systems, Springer-Verlag, Amsterdam, pp. 509-516.

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Computer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field census and the Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER) files from the 1990 census. The availability, free of charge, of a complete U.S. street map stimulated much research on systems to display maps, to give driving directions, and the like.8 When aerial photographs also became available, there was the triumph of Microsoft’s “Terraserver,” which made it possible to look at a wide swath of the world from the sky along with correlated street and topographic maps.9 More recently, in the 1990s, we have started to look at video search and retrieval. After all, if a CD-ROM contains about 300,000 times as many bytes per pound as a deck of punched cards, and a digitized video has about 500,000 times as many bytes per second as the ASCII script it comes from, we should be about where we were in the 1960s with video today. And indeed there are a few projects, most notably the Informedia project at Carnegie Mellon University, that experiment with video signals; they do not yet have ways of searching enormous collections, but they are developing algorithms that exploit whatever they can find in the video: scene breaks, closed-captioning, and so on. Again, there is the problem of deducing concepts from a new kind of information. We started with the problem of words in one language needing to be combined when synonymous, picked apart when ambiguous, and moved on to detecting synonyms across multiple languages and then to concepts depicted in pictures and sounds. Now we see research such as that by Jezekiel Ben-Arie associating words like “run” or “hop” with video images of people doing those actions. In the same way we get again new chemistry when molecules like “buckyballs” are created and stimulate new theoretical and reaction studies. Defining concepts for search can be extremely difficult. For example, despite our abilities to parse and define every item in a computer language, we have made no progress on retrieval of software; people looking for search or sort routines depend on metadata or comments. Some areas seem more flexible than others: text and naturalistic photograph processing software tends to be very general, while software to handle CAD diagrams and maps tends to be more specific. Algorithms are sometimes portable; both speech processing and image processing need Fourier transforms, but the literature is less connected than one might like (partly 8   An early publication was R. Elliott and M. Lesk, 1982, “Route Finding in Street Maps by Computers and People,” Proceedings of the AIII-82 National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Pittsburgh, Pa., August, pp. 258-261. 9   T. Barclay, J. Gray, and D. Slutz, 2000, “Microsoft Terraserver: A Spatial Data Warehouse,” Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, pp. 307-318.

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Computer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field because of the difference between one-dimensional and two-dimensional transforms). There are many other examples of interesting computer science research stimulated by the availability of particular kinds of information. Work on string matching today is often driven by the need to align sequences in either protein or DNA data banks. Work on image analysis is heavily influenced by the need to deal with medical radiographs. And there are many other interesting projects specifically linked to an individual data source. Among examples: The British Library scanning of the original manuscript of Beowulf in collaboration with the University of Kentucky, working on image enhancement until the result of the scanning is better than reading the original; The Perseus project, demonstrating the educational applications possible because of the earlier Thesaurus Linguae Graecae project, which digitized all the classical Greek authors; The work in astronomical analysis stimulated by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey; The creation of the field of “forensic paleontology” at the University of Texas as a result of doing MRI scans of fossil bones; And, of course, the enormous amount of work on search engines stimulated by the Web. When one of these fields takes off, and we find wide usage of some online resource, it benefits society. Every university library gained readers as their catalogs went online and became accessible to students in their dorm rooms. Third World researchers can now access large amounts of technical content their libraries could rarely acquire in the past. In computer science, and in chemistry, there is a tension between the algorithm/reaction and the data/substance. For example, should one look up an answer or compute it? Once upon a time logarithms were looked up in tables; today we also compute them on demand. Melting points and other physical properties of chemical substances are looked up in tables; perhaps with enough quantum mechanical calculation we could predict them, but it’s impractical for most materials. Predicting tomorrow’s weather might seem a difficult choice. One approach is to measure the current conditions, take some equations that model the atmosphere, and calculate forward a day. Another is to measure the current conditions, look in a big database for the previous day most similar to today, and then take the day after that one as the best prediction for tomorrow. However, so far the meteorologists feel that calculation is better. Another complicated example is chess: given the time pressure of chess tournaments

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Computer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field against speed and storage available in computers, chess programs do the opening and the endgame by looking in tables of old data and calculate for the middle game. To conclude, a recipe for stimulating advances in computer science is to make some data available and let people experiment with it. With the incredibly cheap disks and scanners available today, this should be easier than ever. Unfortunately, what we gain with technology we are losing to law and economics. Many large databases are protected by copyright; few motion pictures, for example, are old enough to have gone out of copyright. Content owners generally refuse to grant permission for wide use of their material, whether out of greed or fear: they may have figured out how to get rich off their files of information or they may be afraid that somebody else might have. Similarly it is hard to get permission to digitize in-copyright books, no matter how long they have been out of print. Jim Gray once said to me, “May all your problems be technical.” In the 1960s I was paying people to key in aeronautical abstracts. It never occurred to us that we should be asking permission of the journals involved (I think what we did would qualify as fair use, but we didn’t even think about it). Today I could scan such things much more easily, but I would not be able to get permission. Am I better off or worse off? There are now some 22 million chemical substances in the Chemical Abstracts Service Registry and 7 million reactions. New substances continue to intrigue chemists and cause research on new reactions, with of course enormous interest in biochemistry both for medicine and agriculture. Similarly, we keep adding data to the Web, and new kinds of information (photographs of dolphins, biological flora, and countless other things) can push computer scientists to new algorithms. In both cases, synthesis of specific instances into concepts is a crucial problem. As we see more and more kinds of data, we learn more about how to extract meaning from it, and how to present it, and we develop a need for new algorithms to implement this knowledge. As the data gets bigger, we learn more about optimization. As it gets more complex, we learn more about representation. And as it gets more useful, we learn more about visualization and interfaces, and we provide better service to society.

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Computer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field HISTORY AND THE FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Edward L. Ayers, University of Virginia We might begin with a thought experiment: What is history? Many people, I’ve discovered, think of it as books and the things in books. That’s certainly the explicit form in which we usually confront history. Others, thinking less literally, might think of history as stories about the past; that would open us to oral history, family lore, movies, novels, and the other forms in which we get most of our history. All these images are wrong, of course, in the same way that images of atoms as little solar systems are wrong, or pictures of evolution as profiles of ever taller and more upright apes and people are wrong. They are all models, radically simplified, that allow us to think about such things in the exceedingly small amounts of time that we allot to these topics. The same is true for history, which is easiest to envision as technological progress, say, or westward expansion, of the emergence of freedom—or of increasing alienation, exploitation of the environment, or the growth of intrusive government. Those of us who think about specific aspects of society or nature for a living, of course, are never satisfied with the stories that suit the purposes of everyone else so well. We are troubled by all the things that don’t fit, all the anomalies, variance, and loose ends. We demand more complex measurement, description, and fewer smoothing metaphors and lowest common denominators. Thus, to scientists, atoms appear as clouds of probability; evolution appears as a branching, labyrinthine bush in which some branches die out and others diversify. It can certainly be argued that past human experience is as complex as anything in nature and likely much more so, if by complexity we mean numbers of components, variability of possibilities, and unpredictability of outcomes. Yet our means of conveying that complexity remain distinctly analog: the story, the metaphor, the generalization. Stories can be wonderfully complex, of course, but they are complex in specific ways: of implication, suggestion, evocation. That’s what people love and what they remember. But maybe there is a different way of thinking about the past: as information. In fact, information is all we have. Studying the past is like studying scientific processes for which you have the data but cannot run the experiment again, in which there is no control, and in which you can never see the actual process you are describing and analyzing. All we have is information in various forms: words in great abundance, billions of numbers, millions of images, some sounds and buildings, artifacts.

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Computer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field The historian’s goal, it seems to me, should be to account for as much of the complexity embedded in that information as we can. That, it appears, is what scientists do, and it has served them well. And how has science accounted for ever-increasing amounts of complexity in the information they use? Through ever more sophisticated instruments. The connection between computer science and history could be analogous to that between telescopes and stars, microscopes and cells. We could be on the cusp of a new understanding of the patterns of complexity in human behavior of the past. The problem may be that there is too much complexity in that past, or too much static, or too much silence. In the sciences, we’ve learned how to filter, infer, use indirect evidence, and fill in the gaps, but we have a much more literal approach to the human past. We have turned to computer science for tasks of more elaborate description, classification, representation. The digital archive my colleagues and I have built, the Valley of the Shadow Project, permits the manipulation of millions of discrete pieces of evidence about two communities in the era of the American Civil War. It uses sorting mechanisms, hypertextual display, animation, and the like to allow people to handle the evidence of this part of the past for themselves. This isn’t cutting-edge computer science, of course, but it’s darned hard and deeply disconcerting to some, for it seems to abdicate responsibility, to undermine authority, to subvert narrative, to challenge story. Now, we’re trying to take this work to the next stage, to analysis. We have composed a journal article that employs an array of technologies, especially geographic information systems and statistical analysis in the creation of the evidence. The article presents its argument, evidence, and historiographical context as a complex textual, tabular, and graphical representation. XML offers a powerful means to structure text and XSL an even more powerful means to transform it and manipulate its presentation. The text is divided into sections called “statements,” each supported with “explanation.” Each explanation, in turn, is supported by evidence and connected to relevant historiography. Linkages, forward and backward, between evidence and narrative are central. The historiography can be automatically sorted by author, date, or title; the evidence can be arranged by date, topic, or type. Both evidence and historiographical entries are linked to the places in the analysis where they are invoked. The article is meant to be used online, but it can be printed in a fixed format with all the limitations and advantages of print. So, what are the implications of thinking of the past in the hardheaded sense of admitting that all we really have of the past is information? One implication might be great humility, since all we have for most

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Computer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field of the past are the fossils of former human experience, words frozen in ink and images frozen in line and color. Another implication might be hubris: if we suddenly have powerful new instruments, might we be on the threshold of a revolution in our understanding of the past? We’ve been there before. A connection between history and social science was tried before, during the first days of accessible computers. Historians taught themselves statistical methods and even programming languages so that they could adopt the techniques, models, and insights of sociology and political science. In the 1950s and 1960s the creators of the new political history called on historians to emulate the precision, explicitness, replicability, and inclusivity of the quantitative social sciences. For two decades that quantitative history flourished, promising to revolutionize the field. And to a considerable extent it did: it changed our ideas of social mobility, political identification, family formation, patterns of crime, economic growth, and the consequences of ethnic identity. It explicitly linked the past to the present and held out a history of obvious and immediate use. But that quantitative social science history collapsed suddenly, the victim of its own inflated claims, limited method and machinery, and changing academic fashion. By the mid-1980s, history, along with many of the humanities and social sciences, had taken the linguistic turn. Rather than software manuals and codebooks, graduate students carried books of French philosophy and German literary interpretation. The social science of choice shifted from sociology to anthropology; texts replaced tables. A new generation defined itself in opposition to social scientific methods just as energetically as an earlier generation had seen in those methods the best means of writing a truly democratic history. The first computer revolution largely failed. The first effort at that history fell into decline in part because historians could not abide the distance between their most deeply held beliefs and what the statistical machinery permitted, the abstraction it imposed. History has traditionally been built around contingency and particularity, but the most powerful tools of statistics are built on sampling and extrapolation, on generalization and tendency. Older forms of social history talked about vague and sometimes dubious classifications in part because that was what the older technology of tabulation permitted us to see. It has become increasingly clear across the social sciences that such flat ways of describing social life are inadequate; satisfying explanations must be dynamic, interactive, reflexive, and subtle, refusing to reify structures of social life or culture. The new technology permits a new cross-fertilization. Ironically, social science history faded just as computers became widely available, just as new kinds of social science history became feasible. No longer is there any need for white-coated attendants at huge mainframes

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Computer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field and expensive proprietary software. Rather than reducing people to rows and columns, searchable databases now permit researchers to maintain the identities of individuals in those databases and to represent entire populations rather than samples. Moreover, the record can now include things social science history could only imagine before the Web: completely indexed newspapers, with the original readable on the screen; completely searchable letters and diaries by the thousands; and interactive maps with all property holders identified and linked to other records. Visualization of patterns in the data, moreover, far outstrips the possibilities of numerical calculation alone. Manipulable histograms, maps, and time lines promise a social history that is simultaneously sophisticated and accessible. We have what earlier generations of social science historians dreamed of: a fast and widely accessible network linked to cheap and powerful computers running common software with well-established standards for the handling of numbers, texts, and images. New possibilities of collaboration and cumulative research beckon. Perhaps the time is right to reclaim a worthy vision of a disciplined and explicit social scientific history that we abandoned too soon. What does this have to do with computer science? Everything, it seems to me. If you want hard problems, historians have them. And what’s the hardest problem of all right now? The capture of the very information that is history. Can computer science imagine ways to capture historical information more efficiently? Can it offer ways to work with the spotty, broken, dirty, contradictory, nonstandardized information we work with? The second hard problem is the integration of this disparate evidence in time and space, offering new precision, clarity, and verifiability, as well as opening new questions and new ways of answering them. If we can think of these ways, then we face virtually limitless possibilities. Is there a more fundamental challenge or opportunity for computer science than helping us to figure out human society over human time?

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Representative terms from entire chapter:

database research