
Aussie customs to seize Mortal Kombat imports

Australian Customs and Border Protection Service adds refused classification fighter to blacklist; copies detected to be confiscated, fines up to A$110,000 issued.

The Australian gaming population fired up overnight, with news coming in yesterday afternoon that the Australian Classification Board (ACB) had decided to uphold the decision to slap a refused classification (RC) rating to fighting game Mortal Kombat. A game that has been RCed is illegal to promote or sell in Australia, meaning the title is effectively banned Down Under. And for those considering importing the game to circumvent the ban, it seems the Australian authorities are already on the lookout and ready to stop copies from reaching the nation.

GameSpot AU spoke with an Australian Customs and Border Protection Service spokesperson, who confirmed that the service had added Mortal Kombat to its list of prohibited items. The spokesperson said attempting to import Mortal Kombat is indeed illegal as it breaches the Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956.

"As Mortal Kombat has been refused classification in Australia, it is considered objectionable material. It is therefore a prohibited good and illegal to import into Australia," the spokesperson said. "Customs and Border Protection works closely with Attorney General’s Department to identify imported games that are banned in Australia. This includes games purchased over the Internet from foreign websites. Attorney General’s Department regularly updates Customs and Border Protection about classification decisions on publications, films, and computer games, including the reclassification of material, and about different versions of computer games (some of which may be refused classification), and how to identify those versions at the border. This information is then used to assist in identifying and seizing banned versions of games.

"Any copies of the games detected at the border, including via international mail, will be seized."

The Customs spokesperson said someone caught trying to import RCed games into Australia could expect a fine of up to three times the value of the product, or A$110,000, which ever is greater.


  • Darth_DuMas

    Posted Mar 19, 2011 5:29 am AEST

    This is a joke, whats next, Austrailia's going to have games dealers on the streets next to the drug dealers. "hey man, I got this game, banned material, go on, you know you want it".

    It's sad, your grown men and women and you're being told what you can play.

  • jvsexy

    Posted Mar 18, 2011 3:47 pm AEST

    Im not an australian but I believe there is still a way around. My views:
    1) Before buying the game online, ask the seller to remove the manual of the game & the game picture slide out that is attached to the game cover.
    2) Next, ask the seller to reprint the disc or just cover the whole disc with a dark sticker (or 2 white stickers)
    3) Then with a pentel pen, write on the sticker "Family Fotos" or something like that but not a game name.
    4) Next ask the seller to send it in a simple disc cover (not the PS3 cover).
    5) The seller should make sure when sending, NOT to label the package as a "Game". Maybe just a disc with family fotos.

    Note, you will NOT get the game manual but it will available on the internet for sure ! There shouldnt be any evidence that the game is Mortal Kombat. 6) Next, when you get the game, dont tell anyone & just play!

    I hope this is good. If you find any loopholes or any way customs can find out, you can respond to my comment. Cheeers !!!

  • raziel2001au

    Posted Mar 18, 2011 9:09 am AEST

    I really wish the author would update this article since it is clearly inaccurate and misleading. The customs spokesperson was talking about commercial importing here. Now every damn web site on the internet is reporting that anyone will get fined $110,000 if they attempt to import the game. Please read the comments and adjust the news article.

  • denaz

    Posted Mar 18, 2011 1:36 am AEST

    Thanks gamespot!!! Now due to this f***ing interview, multiple game stores aren't even willing to send it to australia. Want to know the reason they give!?! They don't, they link us to this stupid interview! Way to f***ing ruin any chance that we had to import the game. Seriously who's bright idea was it to interview customs!?! What did you think you'd get out of it? other then them paying even MORE attention to people trying to import this game!? You basically just went and f***ing pointed out that people would be trying to import this game, so of course they are going to be on the look out now because you f***ing posted the story for the whole of australia to see.

  • topcat_laugh

    Posted Mar 18, 2011 12:03 am AEST

    i hate my government. treats us like we're children. so conservative we have to poke them to see if they're breathing. If we had Kevin Rudd still in we'd have had an R rating on video games and none of this song and dance sucking up to the Christian lobby and small minded small membered interest groups. I'm still getting this game, somehow. If anything this has made me more adamant to get it. They dont realise that the more they restrict this the more people will resist. I wasn't even going to get this game but now i need it, i need it as a protest to my government that i cant live in a police/nanny state. I'm an adult gamer, and i demand my mature entertainment. Just caus some fuddy duddy doesn't get it doesn't mean i shouldn't.

  • Appleseed1982

    Posted Mar 17, 2011 7:39 am AEST

    @Roach.. We are living in a country run by dictators.. the funny thing is we have been controlled for so long, that when tobacco prices rose here, no one gave a crap (i did - i went and protested in canberra) the truth is however that we live in a police state. No one ever protests for their own civil liberties like do they in the USA, or EUROPE. We just get screwed by everything here. I agree with you totally with your comment... Shouldent these massive resources they are being directed towards MK be directed at drug dealers or arm'd robbers or people speeding in school zones? WTF is going on here.. Can anyone else see whats happening?? Looks like ill be asking my mate in Asia to bring me back a copy. F**k this sh*t. Am so over it.

  • Appleseed1982

    Posted Mar 17, 2011 7:32 am AEST

    I am so sick of being controled in this country and for what. Just because of an outdated and retarded classifcation system. It just doesent make sense to me why XXX Porn is not RC'd and yet games that an adult such as myself play are. Banning imports is also just as retarded. Im so sick of this crap and the sad thing is, its only going to get worse. I give up on this whole classification issue and the politicians behind stopping the new system to be introduced. Regardless what anyone says, im also sick of the OFLC!! They have massive influence in the issue, but in recent times have been placed as an "angel" instead throughout various media sites. Im so happy im leaving this place in a couple of months and then i wont have to put up with retarded taxs, crappy roads, racist cops, retarded politicians as well as having my decisions made for me by people who dont even know me and dictate my life. All's well that end's well.

  • gameking5000

    Posted Mar 17, 2011 2:52 am AEST

    The seize on imports is worse than the fines.

  • LoCo_8

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 10:13 pm AEST

    This is just ridiculous, Australia. Why fine someone just because a game was "refused classification"? The Australian government need to realized that they are not "protecting their citizens," they're treating them like kids, while acting like kid dictators thereselves.

  • Rayrota

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 8:10 pm AEST

    110,000 AUD (107,836.04 USD)?! Do you know how many tacos I can buy with that much money? Please tell me that at least some of that money will go to a relief fund.

  • Roach

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 3:30 pm AEST

    "In other words, if you import the game, it may get seized, but you will not receive a $110,000 fine unless you import 25 or more copies of the game, or plan to display/sell/hire etc. This information is from documents on the Australian Customs website"

    Thanks Snakelet, I should have done my research. I just read this article that said if "someone" imported the game they would be liable for this fine. There is obviously more to it as you have indicated.

  • Bruce_the_Ugga

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 2:05 pm AEST

    OMG! I hate my country!!! Worst country in the world. Now adults will actually be punished for standing up for their rights. This whole fiasco is taking a heavy toll on me, I don't know how much more I can bare. I think I'll just slit my own wrists if they ban or censor the next GTA.

  • AceBalls

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 2:05 pm AEST

    There ya go. The only way you will be able to own the game now is to become a customs officer. It will be for free too! .. and you won't have to fiddle with anyone's anus.

  • MegaMatt91

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 12:19 pm AEST

    Meanwhile, I turn my tv onto the news and see that in sydney there is another driveby shooting.
    Why can't you be as good at stopping crimes that would actually affect people, as you are stopping a game from getting into the country.

    How about you get hard on the sh*t that actually matters?

    Free country my ass...

  • conkerton

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 11:35 am AEST

    Australia had the right idea banning 50 cent: Bulletproof. That game was so terrible sex with barbed wire was a better use for your time. However, it should have been the peoples choice to play that garbage or fornicate with iron points not theirs.

  • AlbAshA-

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 11:01 am AEST

    That is Sad when in 2011 Australian authorities have nothing better to do but look for a game that is Rated for M to ban from their country, instead of educating the parents and store sales ppl that there is something for adults and something for kids, just like the movies. Maybe they'll start banning those too. Starting to think they are getting too much attention and that is why they are taking it to the extreme. Ignore their monkey A$$.

  • conkerton

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 10:44 am AEST

    @wolfishoutcast Yes the government has the ability to make very vocal about what it deems as acceptable and unacceptable. However, it is inappropriate to say "the citizens will not this game because we say so". Although for AU this may be par for the course for Americans that is a slap in the face as each of our opinions are different. Slap a Adults Only rating on it if needed, but don't tell adults this game is too mature for their well being.

  • Snakelet

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 8:56 am AEST

    Interesting reads:
    Australian Customs Notice - ACN 2009/55
    Customs Regulations 1926

    The criteria for determining objectionable goods are consistent with the RC (Refused Classification) criteria in the National Classification Code and the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995.

    Tier 1 offences currently attract penalties of up to $110,000 in fines and/or five years imprisonment.

    Tier 1 penalties apply to categories of objectionable material defined in the Customs Regulations 1926 as either:
    i) The import or export of 25 items or more; or
    ii) Goods imported for the purpose of:
    (a) selling the good;
    (b) letting the good for hire;
    (c) by way of trade, offering or exposing the good for sale or hire;
    (d) distributing the good for the purpose of trade; or
    (e) exhibiting or displaying the good in public.

    In other words, if you import the game, it may get seized, but you will not receive a $110,000 fine unless you import 25 or more copies of the game, or plan to display/sell/hire etc. This information is from documents on the Australian Customs website.

  • Duke_51

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 7:54 am AEST

    That's a ridiculously large fine for wanting to play a damn game. $110, 000? Right... I bet they don't plan to make any profit off this at all, this is solely to protect the "well being" and "mental state" of its citizens...

  • TurambarGS

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 7:53 am AEST

    Are you serious? I hope this is just a load of talking tough in the hopes it will cut down on imports. But if it isn't, then what a waste of resources. Don't Customs have better things to be on the lookout for?

  • gangstapimp07

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 7:08 am AEST

    My country officially sucks. seriously going into this much effort to stop a goddamn game from being bought even though we see movies which are just as bad. lol at my totally childish country.

  • raziel2001au

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 6:15 am AEST

    I think you guys are misreading the fine bit... I think that refers to shops importing it to Australia for sale, so if EB games suddenly decided to import it, they would get sued 3 times the value of the product, or A$110,000, whichever is higher. In other words, don't buy to sell, you'll get screwed over, no multiple copies or anything that might give the idea you intend to make a profit from it.

    I think for personal imports it'll just get confiscated. I can't seriously see them fining you $110,000 for importing an RC game that doesn't even have anything illegal in it. That's just ridiculous.

  • Roach

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 5:23 am AEST

    Drive with presence of Cocaine in body - up to $1,100 for 1st offence / $2,200 for 2nd offence

    Heavy Vehicle / Truck speeding more than 45 km/h over the limit in a school zone - $3,066

    Selling tobacco to a minor - $11,000 for 1st offence / $55,000 for subsequent offence

    Fail to ensure safety of employees at work - $55,000 for 1st offence / $82,500 for previous offender

    Importing banned video game into country - $110,000

    So if I get caught importing Mortal Kombat I am considered worse than driving with cocaine in my system, speeding through a school zone in a semi-trailer at 45km/h over the speed limit, selling tobacco to a minor, or even providing a dangerous work environment for my employees.

    WOW!! Looks like I'm going to prison real soon. Once they find out what me playing Mortal Kombat in the privacy of my own home does to people outside that don't even know I own it. I'm sure they'll re-introduce the death penalty just for evil sinners like myself.

    Just for a second there I'll felt like I was living in a third world nation being run by a dictator.

  • wolfishoutcast posted Mar 16, 2011 3:59 am AEST (does not meet display criteria. sign in to show)


    Posted Mar 16, 2011 3:59 am AEST (hide)

    Okay, I know I'm going to be flamed for this but I actually support their right to do it, I dn't like it but I support it. The Classification Board may be somewhat conservative as too where they draw the line but they have to draw it somewhere; there are some games I would not want on store shelves and I know other people would disagree with me, therein lies the problem, everyone has different opinions on what is acceptable, the government cannot please everyone so they have to place to draw the line and they have to stand by it. Instead of complaining about it and potentially making the matters worse we need to keep doing what we've been doing already, petitioning for change; it may be taking forever but atleast some members of the attorney are seriously considering R18+ ratings. It's only a matter of time and patience and until them we just have to grin and bear it...

  • maf17

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 3:56 am AEST

    Most of the time I love this country. Then there are instances like this, with resources which would be better used catching genuine criminals, being wasted on enforcing petty bureacratic bulls. It would be almost worth it to do it, get caught and then go to court in a blaze of publicity to bring to general attention to this sort of crap. You can bet that would make the state attorneys-general finally pull their collective finger out of their collective anus & give us the R18+ rating we should have had years ago.

  • chaoscougar1

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 3:50 am AEST

    *sigh* there goes another game we need an R18+ rating, or parents need to actually do their job and if they arent comfortable with their child playing a certain game, dont let them. Rather than blame devs and the government for letting them in...seriously, I am old enough to drive a car, go to bars, buy cigarettes, have sex, watch R18 movies, but god forbid there is any graphic violence or nudity in a game I am playing...

  • Sablicious

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 3:49 am AEST

    I'll have this 2-3 weeks after UK street date. Customs / the geriatric AU govt can go nut punch themselves if they think they'll stop this adult playing games he wants! ^_^


    Posted Mar 16, 2011 3:33 am AEST

    For me.. If it is illegal to promote or sell 'in' Australia then initially if we order it from overseas then we should also have the right to keep it..

  • Cortana101

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 3:21 am AEST

    This will only make people download the game illegaly and therefore are committing another crime altogether. Customs may stop the parcels but websites that share these game internationally will not be stopped. Maybe Australia should review its standpoint on this game. It will only make the game lose money in the long run. Though I am not a fan of the R18+ addition some of the games were designed for adults so I should here a 5 year old playing black ops or halo reach.

  • wolf503

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 3:20 am AEST

    this is bullcrap, it's 1 thing to ban it but to prevent us from importing is a whole different story.

  • gameking5000

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 2:32 am AEST

    Australian censors are one of the toughest in the world, so I'd be surprised if any copy of Mortal Kombat got through.

  • wadejenkins

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 2:28 am AEST

    Thank You dancemachine, exactly. you have hit the nail on the head; laughing stock in terms of both this type of behaviour (not having an R18+ rating for what is an adult dominated entertainment option), and for their outdated views on a whole range of others......1950's indeed. Although as for the "majority agree with it" [R18+ that is] argument, I think you'll find most governments aren't really interested in what the population wants.

  • dancemachine55

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 2:08 am AEST

    1. Games such as GTA, Fallout 3 and Left 4 Dead can be purchased by adults with the explicit material still available.
    2. Adults can purchase explicit games such as Mortal Kombat, Marc Gekko's Getting Up, Manhunt or Leisure Suit Larry Magna Cum Laude legally, thus creating chances for minors under 18 to get their hands on the content like they do with magazines, videos and music.

    The pros of having an R18+ rating for games FAAAAAR outweigh the cons.

    I really cannot wait until the old Attorney Generals leave with their 1950's beliefs. It's a shame many of them refuse to accept change in society, like adults playing video games for entertainment. Average age of a gamer is 28 years old. These Attorney-Generals are SUPPOSED to serve the public interest of the people of Australia!!! They are not, and Australia has become the laughing stock of the world when it comes to many things, including video games.

  • dancemachine55

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 2:08 am AEST

    What arguments are there AGAINST introducing an R18+ rating in video games? Seriously?!?!

    1. Games once MA15+ (GTA IV, Gears of War, Left 4 Dead, MadWorld, God of War) are now restricted to adults over 18 years old.
    2. A clearer and more concise method of rating content for the people at the OFLC. No more confusion over what content is acceptable and what content is not. God of War 3 = allowed. Mortal Kombat = banned. Apart from some minor details, there is no difference in terms of violent content between both games!!
    3. Much clearer for parents to know what is suitable for their 13 or 14 year old. R18+ stands out much more to a concerned parent than MA15+.
    4. Adults who enjoy the entertainment value of this explicit material can legally buy the game from an Australian retailer, thus keeping money in pumping into the Australian economy.
    5. Brilliant and highly desired games such as Left 4 Dead 2 and Mortal Kombat would not be banned or butchered to allow for 15 year olds to play.
    6. (MOST IMPORTANT!!) You will be supporting the decision of over 95% of Australians to include R18+ as a video game classification. (The public petition and surveysfrom last year and 2009 confirmed that over 95% of Australian adults WANT an R18+ rating for video games)

  • dancemachine55

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 1:44 am AEST

    Seriously? How is this game any worse than God of War 3? Or Gears of War 2? Or Mad World? Is it the X-ray look at bones breaking or organs crushing that pushed it over the MA15+ rating?

    I wasn't interested in this game, but many of my friends were. They were willing to give the developers their hard-earned money towards this game. Now they are forced to download a pirated copy and do what Australia and people in media hate so much, illegally obtain the game through digital sources.

    Nice to know that the government can help protect us innocent little adults from harmful and horrible content like Mortal Kombat. The violence in that game is beyond anything any of us have.... oh look, a 15 year old just ripped off the head of Helios, tearing the skin from his neck and snapping the vertabrate. Nawww, that's fine. A 20 year old casting a fireball and burning an opponant alive or throwing an enemy into an acid pit? Oh God Noooo!!!! Get rid of it!!!! Make it illegal!!! This is worse than the guy who imported a Samurai sword and went nuts in Melbourne!!!!

  • eriktkire

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 1:12 am AEST

    unless the people you import your copy of the game from are so stupid as to write "Mortal Kombat" on the package customs sticker, there's now way they'll be able to find these without ripping open every single package that has a CD shaped disc and case.

    Besides, customs officers know what they're doing... they're too busy pulling apart packages laced with cocaine, ecstasy and assorted other weapon based packages... mind you, my recent import of an X360 shaped Saitek controller was inspected by customs as a potential explosives device masquerading as a gamepad.

  • wadejenkins

    Posted Mar 16, 2011 12:49 am AEST

    I pre-ordered this last February from EB. I got a lovely wake up call one Saturday morning from them letting me know that it had been banned, I was in great anticipation of this game as I pre-ordered it LAST FEBRUARY, and now all that build up and for what? One group of people to blame for this are the Australian Christian League who are extremely active in the R18+ debate and have great influence within the government. This I find interesting because they push morals from a book in which violence abounds including rape and murder -which they teach to kids who are guess what?- under the age of 15. So if themes such as this are subject to classification then so to should be their fairytale book. I was going to import but since their inflated sense of self importance (ever seen "Border Patrol"?) means they're now going to focus on a simple videogame instead of you know, bombs, methamphetamine based drugs and other things which can lead to death, im going to have to get an old broken console out of the cupboard, buy a mod-chip for it, install it and pirate the game. Warners Bros. have lost money because of incompetence and over-protectionism. In summary, F*&K; the Australian government [all parties] and F&*K the ALC.

  • kevmanNZ

    Posted Mar 15, 2011 11:50 pm AEST

    Seriously this is downright BS. Im just downright furious about the idea of receiving a fine of upto $110k for importing a video game for personal use? No Wonder the ratings system in Australia is a big fat joke. Australia needs to stop denying adult gamers the right to access video games of ALL ratings. What Australian customs should be more concerned is illegal flora and fauna, narcotics and other stuff which is more important to protect Australia's borders rather then a simple video game which should be at the bottom of their list of priorities.

  • Nemesis4747

    Posted Mar 15, 2011 11:32 pm AEST

    Exactly, there is so many things i wanna say about our government right now that would probably get me banned off gamespot

  • burtonboy05

    Posted Mar 15, 2011 11:28 pm AEST

    I've imported GTA IV uncut amongst others from the UK, all prohibited and got through for my 360. I don't know why this will be any different - I'm 100% positive that it will get through should I order it. Maybe because it's the 360 they assume it will RROD any way - If anyone does purchase online from O/S and gets it through or busted I'd be most intereted to know.

  • eBentl posted Mar 15, 2011 11:15 pm AEST (does not meet display criteria. sign in to show)


    Posted Mar 15, 2011 11:15 pm AEST (hide)

    This really is the only reasonable course of action, otherwise imagine all the children crushing other children with arcade games and saying FATALITY.

    Stop being so selfish everybody and think of the children!

  • BertisAU

    Posted Mar 15, 2011 11:08 pm AEST

    Australia is all about scare tactics. It never ever delivers on it's threats.

  • wawasjohn

    Posted Mar 15, 2011 10:58 pm AEST

    no game is worthy of r18 not 1

  • Shadow_zone

    Posted Mar 15, 2011 10:54 pm AEST

    Have they got nothing better to do than block a game import? Seriously! How easy is it to import things which could actually be dangerous and they want to score political brownie points off the ACL by checking for a cartoonish fighting game, which has had about a dozen predecessors released in Australia over the years without any dramas. The current political state of affairs in Australia is downright embarrassing!

  • biotyrant

    Posted Mar 15, 2011 10:49 pm AEST

    What bloody country are we living in?

  • AceBalls

    Posted Mar 15, 2011 10:43 pm AEST

    Customs inspect everything. Even peoples anus's.

  • S_facelift

    Posted Mar 15, 2011 9:09 pm AEST

    I Might get an illegal immigrant to bring my copy over they seem to get in nice and easy.

  • superbuuman

    Posted Mar 15, 2011 9:05 pm AEST

    lol don't believe the scare if they are going to check for every packages listed as software...good luck to them. Import here I come.

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