» Details

Kevelson, Roberta

Peirce's Esthetics of Freedom

Possibility, Complexity, and Emergent Value

Series: New Studies in Aesthetics - Volume 12

Year of Publication: 1993

New York, San Francisco, Bern, Baltimore, Frankfurt/M., Berlin, Wien, Paris, 1993. 360 pp.
ISBN 978-0-8204-1898-8 hardback

Weight: 0.670 kg, 1.477 lbs

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Book synopsis

According to Peirce, the value of the idea of freedom arises only to oppose the idea of necessity. Freedom emerges as a working value, a primary esthetic principle, in response to that which is perceived as fixed, determined, necessary, absolute. The idea of Freedom materializes, assumes a million appearances, wears its ten million masks...
...Freedom as the Freedom-to-Focus is a Peircean esthetic process that becomes realized through the three stages of Fragment/Fractal, Fact, Form. This triadic process corresponds to the semiotic functions of Icon, Index, Symbol.
Freedom's course is nonlineal, self-corrective, dynamic, open: Freedom is the occasion for Chaos, and Chaos is the locus of Form.


Contents: Freedom's Faces - Human Affairs - Exchange as Permutation: Stuff and Nonsense - Experiment's End - Musement.

About the author(s)/editor(s)

The Author: Roberta Kevelson received her Ph.D. from Brown University and introduced Legal Semiotics during her postdoctoral tenure at Yale University (1978-1979). She directs the Center for Semiotic Research in Law, Government and Economics at Penn State which she established in 1984. Dr. Kevelson is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy. Among her recent books are The Law as a System of Signs, Peirce, Praxis, Paradox and Charles S. Peirce's Method of Methods. Kevelson is completing work on a new book, Peirce, Science and Signs.


New Studies in Aesthetics. Vol. 12
General Editor: Robert Ginsberg