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The British Horological Institute Limited

Workshop Hints
Ships Bells

As early as the 15th Century a bell was used to sound the time on board a ship. The bell was run every half hour of the 4 hour watch. A 24 hour day was divided into 6 4 hour watches, except the dog watch (16:00 - 20:00 hours) which could be divided into two, 2 hour watches to allow for the taking of the evening meal.

After a mutiny on the Nore in 1797, British ships modified the bell system on the dog watch (16:00 - 18:00) so that the mutiny signal of 5 bells was never again struck.

  Standard British Royal & Merchant Navy Clocks
from 1797
Middle (Graveyard) Watch 00:30 1 bell
01:00 2 bells
01:30 2 bells, pause, 1 bell
02:00 2 bells, pause, 2 bells
02:30 2 bells, pause, 2 bells, pause, 1 bell
03:00 2 bells, pause, 2 bells, pause, 2 bells
03:30 2 bells, pause, 2 bells, pause, 2 bells, pause, 1 bell
04:00 2 bells, pause, 2 bells, pause, 2 bells, pause, 2 bells
Same as Standard
Morning Watch 04:30 - 08:00   Same as previous watch Same as Standard
Forenoon Watch 08:30 - 12:00   Same as previous watch Same as Standard
Afternoon Watch 12:30 - 16:00   Same as previous watch Same as Standard
Dog Watch 16:30 - 20:00   Same as previous watch 16:30 1 bell
17:00 2 bells
17:30 2 bells, pause, 1 bell
18:00 2 bells, pause, 2 bells
18:30 1 bell
19:00 2 bells
19:30 2 bells, pause, 1 bell
20:00 2 bells, pause, 2 bells, pause, 2 bells, pause, 2 bells
First Watch 20:30 - 00:00   Same as previous watch Same as Standard

Many thanks to Tony Gray MBHI who provided the names of the different watches.

Index of Hints and Tips










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