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Solomon Islands Prime Minister visits Taiwan

The Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands Derek Sikua came to Taiwan Sunday. President Chen Shui-bian welcomed Sikua with military honors at the Presidential Office on Monday morning.

Chen spoke on Taiwan's relations with the Solomon Islands:
"Taiwan is the Solomon Island's most loyal ally. Just as I mentioned at the official ceremony, Taiwan will never forsake the people or government of the Solomon Islands. During the social tensions in 2000, the people and government of Taiwan stood by the Solomon Islands."

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the independence of the Solomon Islands and the 25th anniversary of Taiwan's ties with the South Pacific ally.

Sikua said that he would try to help Taiwan gain more recognition in the international community.

Taiwan will hold its fourth summit with its South Pacific allies in Kaohsiung this year, and Chen invited Sikua to attend. 

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