Drive for same-sex marriages

5:33pm UK, Saturday September 17, 2011

The Government is to legislate for same-sex marriages before the next General Election, a minister has announced.

A public consultation on how to make civil marriage available to same-sex couples is to be launched next March.

The timing means that any necessary legislative changes can be on the Statute Book before the next election, which is scheduled for May 2015.

The move was announced by Equalities Minister Lynne Featherstone, who is addressing the opening day of the Liberal Democrats' annual conference in Birmingham.

"We will be working closely with all those who have an interest in the area to understand their views ahead of the formal consultation," she said.

Lib Dems had been keen to claim credit for the move, which has the strong support of party activists.

But senior Tories said it had been pushed through with the backing of David Cameron - despite the likely opposition of many Conservative traditionalists.

There was some anger among gay rights activists that the consultation - which they had expected to be launched in June - had been put back until next year.

"There is no excuse for postponing it until March next year," said veteran campaigner Peter Tatchell.

"I am not convinced that there needs to be any consultation at all. The ban on same-sex marriage is homophobic discrimination and should be repealed."