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London Defeats Doha to host 2017 World Athletics Championships

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London defeated a competing bid from Doha, Qatar and has been chosen to host the 2017 IAAF World Athletics Championships.

IAAF President Lamine Diack made the announcement after members voted at a meeting in Monte Carlo Friday.  The tally was London 16, Doha 10.

At the final presentations today it became a cash bidding war with Doha offering a total package worth $236 million including an offer of $7.2 million for prize money.  London, not to be completely outdone, surprised the delegates with a last minute prize money offer as well. 

Doha spun criticism that Doha's climate was too hot for the championships and instead suggested that the temperature could work to the event's advantage.  Cooling technology would be implemented to create the ideal temperature for any given event.

The London delegation offered ready-built 2012 Olympic venues and a solid 99-year legacy for athletics should that city's bid be chosen. 

Doha is bidding for the 2020 Olympic Games - that election will be held in September 2013.

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