The MisFits

Affordable Care Act: The wellness provisions you may have missed

(Melissa Cannarozzi / TWP)

The health-care law upheld by the Supreme Court in June tilts heavily toward prevention and includes quite a few benefits for you.

Before London, there’s Bethesda


The U.S. Olympic diving team has a not-so-secret weapon this year: the Kennedy Shriver Aquatic Center.

Springboard into business


Jair Lynch, a gymnast who won a silver medal at the 1996 Games in Atlanta, balances fitness and business in his post-Olympics life.

Feeling ‘equal’ in the water

(Joe Kusumoto / U.S. PARALYMPICS)

Paralympic swimmer Jessica Long of Baltimore readies for her third Summer Games at the age of 20.

The Checkup

Jennifer LaRue Huget

Men under stress prefer larger-bodied women, study finds

A small British study suggests that, when under psychological stress, men tend to favor larger women's bodies.

The Checkup

Jennifer LaRue Huget

Hoarding not a form of OCD, study suggests

Hoarding has long been believed to be a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder. But a new study of hoarders' brain activity suggests otherwise.

The Checkup

Jennifer LaRue Huget

Jesse Jackson Jr. has depression. What is that, exactly?

He’s reportedly undergoing treatment for severe depression. But many men who have depression fail to seek help.


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Eat, Drink & Be Healthy

Nutrition and fitness resolutions for 2012

HANDOUT PHOTO: Picture Christine Gerbstadt, MD, RD, riding her bike. She's the author of 'Doctor’s Detox Diet The Ultimate Weight Loss Prescription.' ONE-TIME USE ONLY. For re-use, contact Christine Gerbstadt, 412-638-0000,

It’s not too early to start thinking about ways to make 2012 your most healthful year yet.

Me Minus 10, revisited

She made good on her pledge to lose 10 pounds before she turned 50. Now at 51, this nutrition columnist looks back.

Real-world holiday weight-control tips

HANDOUT: Sam Hardman

How three people who’ve shed a lot of weight keep the pounds off this time of year.

Read past Eat, Drink & Be Healthy columns

Health News

Lung problem took years to diagnose

Medical Mystery. ***ONE-TIME USE ONLY*** for Health 7/31/12

Even after she got rid of her cat, Air Force Staff Sgt. Jean McCathern’s asthma kept getting worse.

Medical mystery: Male sexual dysfunction drug cures her exhaustion


A woman thought jet lag and a hectic life explained her exhaustion. Then she began collapsing.

She wasn’t tired, but she couldn’t stop yawning. What was wrong with her?

MEDICAL MYSTERIES | Liisa Ecola was yawning as often as 200 times per day and squinting.