‘The traditions of St Andrews’ might come across the wrong way. It might seem fusty, irrelevant and exclusive. It is none of these things. This is a series of aged customs that survive today because they are exciting, endearing and unique. From the festival party on the 1st May to the distinctive scarlet gown, traditions are readily embraced by the entire student body, its staff and the town. They have all adapted over time to be celebrated, not groaned at.

This could partly be due to the huge parties that these traditions often translate into. Read on for a description of our ‘Raisin Weekend’. Then there are the joys of discovering a new family, a spring morning swim and a full historical procession through town in period dress. We’re proud of the heritage that comes with being the third oldest university in the UK, but we also know how to celebrate it properly. You don’t have to study history to have fun with it.

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Copyright: Naheed Jivraj & Freddie fforde


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