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Tuesday 13 November 2012

Coretta Scott King

Coretta Scott King, who died on Monday night aged 78, was the widow of Martin Luther King Jr, the civil rights leader assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4 1968, and later became a public figure in her own right.

Her dignified bearing in the immediate aftermath of his death won international admiration. Five days after the murder, she led 15,000 people on a silent march through Memphis in his memory. Martin Luther King himself had been due to lead the march, which was to have been in support of striking refuse collectors.

Addressing the marchers at city hall, Mrs King said: "If you give your life to a cause in which you believe, and if it is right and just, and if your life comes to an end as a result of this, then your life could not have been spent in a more redemptive way. I think that is what my husband has done."

At the funeral in Atlanta on April 10, she asked that a tape recording of one of King's sermons should be played. According to one observer, as King's voice filled the church his widow "sat with her face a mask of controlled grief".

One of three children, Coretta Scott was born at Heiberger, Alabama, on April 27 1927. Her father ran a store and augmented the family income by hauling timber. Although her mother drove a school bus, each day Coretta had to walk the five miles to her primary school; she would be passed by white schoolchildren travelling to their classes by bus, an experience which determined her that she would one day be "treated as an equal". As a child she earned money hoeing and picking cotton.

Coretta went on to the Lincoln School, at Marion, which was run by missionaries and where she studied piano and singing. She then attended - on a scholarship - Antioch College at Yellow Springs, Ohio, where her elder sister had also studied. She read Education and Music, and, as part of the college's work-study programme, was active as a camp counsellor, library assistant and nursery school attendant. She also did work experience as a schoolteacher.

She continued to study music, also learning to play the violin, and became a soloist with the Second Baptist Church choir at Springfield, Ohio, where she made her concert debut in 1948. After graduating in 1951, Coretta Scott enrolled at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston; to make ends meet, she worked part-time as a clerk in a mail order company and as a cleaner for a local family which provided her with board and lodging.

She later said that for much of the time she lived on peanut butter sandwiches and fruit. She studied under Marie Sundelius, a former singer with the Metropolitan Opera, and sang with the Conservatory Chorus.

It was in Boston that Coretta Scott met Martin Luther King Jr, a young minister from Atlanta who was then a graduate student in Philosophy at Boston University. On their first date he is said to have told her: "You are everything I am looking for in a wife." They married in June 1953 at the Scotts' home at Heiberger in a ceremony conducted by King's father.

After they had completed their studies, the new Mr and Mrs King returned to the South, and in 1954 Martin Luther King became pastor of the Drexel Avenue Baptist Church at Montgomery, Alabama.

He was soon receiving public attention as a result of the Montgomery bus boycott, and in 1957 he became head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. In 1960 the Kings moved to Atlanta, where King became joint pastor, with his father, of the Ebenezer Baptist Church. During this period Coretta Scott King concentrated on bringing up the couple's two sons and two daughters.

She had an early indication of the dangers faced by her husband in 1956, when a bomb was thrown at the family home; two years later he was stabbed while signing copies of his book, Stride Toward Freedom, in a Harlem department store.

In 1964 she wrote: "People constantly ask Martin and me how we can hope to raise normal, healthy and happy children, living as we do on the edge of danger and uncertainty. I can only answer that we have faith in God and that we try to be good parents."

Coretta Scott King was at her husband's side at civil rights marches and carried out speaking engagements which he was unable to fulfil.

In 1959 she accompanied him on a tour of Europe and Asia, and in 1964 she travelled with him to Oslo where he was presented with the Nobel Peace Prize (he gave the $54,000 prize money to charity, despite his wife's appeals to put it towards their children's education).

On her own account, Coretta Scott King taught singing for a time in the music department of Morris Brown College, Atlanta; she represented Women's Strike for Peace at the Disarmament Conference in Geneva in 1962; and she performed "freedom concerts" - lecturing, singing and reading poetry - in support of the civil rights movement.

Her husband's assassination, however, propelled her immediately into the public eye as she devoted herself to the civil rights and peace movements with which he had been so closely identified.

Although always acutely nervous before speaking in public, on April 28 1968 she took his place at an anti-war rally in Central Park, New York, using notes which her husband had left behind.

On June 19 she carried out his last pre-arranged engagement, speaking to the Poor People's Campaign at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC; she urged American women to "unite and form a solid block of women power to fight the three great evils of racism, poverty and war".

In January 1969 Coretta Scott King announced plans for a Martin Luther King Jr Memorial in Atlanta, to include his grave, a park, library, museum, Institute of Afro-American Studies and a Centre for Nonviolent Social Change. She then travelled the world picking up awards for her husband. She was granted an audience with Pope Paul VI, and preached at St Paul's Cathedral in London.

Coretta Scott King believed that her husband's murder was the result of a conspiracy, and that James Earl Ray - sentenced to 99 years' jail in 1969 - had not acted alone. Later she came to doubt that Ray, who died in prison in 1998 aged 70, had played any part at all in the assassination.

In 1969 she published My Life With Martin Luther King Jr. When the book was launched in Britain, there was a party at Quaglino's at which she met the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Ramsey, and sang spirituals to the assembled guests.

In later years she continued to appear at civil rights and anti-war rallies, but she also broadened her scope, insisting that she was more than a mere custodian of her husband's memory: "There are a lot of people who would love to relegate me to a symbolic figure," she said. "I have never been just a symbol of anything. I am a thinker. I have strong beliefs."

She supported Jimmy Carter's campaign for the presidency, and he later appointed her to the US delegation to the United Nations.

In 1978 she attended the funeral of Kenya's president Jomo Kenyatta in Nairobi as a representative of the American government; and in 1986, on a visit to South Africa to meet anti-apartheid activists, she declined invitations to see President Botha and Chief Buthelezi, the moderate Zulu leader.

In June 2001 Coretta Scott King deplored the stigma attached to homosexuals and the HIV-infected in the black community. "We have to launch a national campaign against homophobia in the black community," she said. "Let us assure that homophobia, ignorance and low self-esteem no longer feed the spread of Aids." She favoured stricter controls on the ownership of guns and supported gay marriage as a civil right.

Three years ago, shortly before the invasion of Iraq, she urged the Bush administration to emulate Martin Luther King's dedication to peace and nonviolence in its dealings in the Middle East, instructing the President that "war is a poor chisel for carving out peaceful tomorrows".

She was, however, most proud of her successful campaign to introduce Martin Luther King Day (the third Monday of January); the national holiday was established by President Reagan in 1983.

In recent years the family has been accused of cashing in on the legacy of Martin Luther King by selling off memorabilia, signing a deal with Time Warner to produce new books of his writings, recordings of his speeches and an internet site, and by allowing his "I have a dream" speech to be used in advertisements.

Coretta Scott King stepped down as head of the King Centre in 1994, passing the job to her son Dexter, who in turn passed the job on to her other son, Martin Luther King III, 10 years later.

The family is currently at loggerheads over a proposal by Dexter to sell the King Centre - which has operated at a loss in six of the past eight years - for $11 million.

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