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Why use

  • Low prices is a booking system with advanced features and a vast hotel database in all the countries of the world. Our system for checking availability helps to find best rates for your stay; we constantly update information about special offers and packages, promoted by the hotel you've chosen.

  • Reservation is free

    We do not charge any booking fees, administration fees or cancellation fees. But we strongly recommend that the visitor, who wants to make a reservation, should check the respective hotel's policies. We use secure encryption of your credit card and personal information.

  • Big amount of hotels

    Our customer-oriented website offers competitive rates and a convenient booking system was designed to satisfy traveler's demands for either business or leisure stays. The database contains over 90,000 hotels in about 17,000 destinations and keeps growing. Feel free to plan your vacation and let us care for the rest!

  • Travelers' advices collects the database of real visitor reviews and hotel photos, which help visitors to objectively compare hotels and decide which to choose.There are several criteria location, service, amenities, cleanliness, value for money.