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Samsung 'Galaxy S3 mini' phone and a 'Galaxy S3' phone (Reuters)

100 million Galaxy S phones sold

Sales of Samsung's Galaxy S smartphones have surpassed 100 million units in three years.

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Apple CEO Tim Cook (Reuters)

China to become Apple's biggest market - CEO

Apple expects China to overtake the United States as its biggest market, CEO Tim Cook told a Chinese government news agency.

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Izik also works on a desktop - though it's designed for tablets

New tablet-focused search engine

The makers of Blekko believe they've built a great alternative to Google, but they're also realistic.

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Microsoft's Windows 8 OS (Reuters)

Microsoft: Crack down on Google

Microsoft says government regulators need to crack down on Google to preserve competition in the internet and smartphone markets.

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Plug it into a screen and it becomes a computer (Canonical)

Ubuntu coming to smartphones

Apple's iOS and Google's Android operating systems will soon have a new competitor in the smartphone market – Ubuntu.

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The push for tougher online safeguards is supported by parents

Developers worried by new app rules

The software industry is bracing for new regulations it says will saddle small businesses with legal and technical costs.

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An employee cleans an advertisement plate at an Apple dealership on eve of iPhone 5's release, in Wuhan (Reuters)

iPhone launches in China

Apple said Monday that it sold more than 2 million iPhone 5s in China in their first three days of availability.

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New Zealand, as seen on Google Maps

Google Maps on iPhone - review

Like a lot of people, I was happy and relieved to see Google Maps return to the iPhone.

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The programs can be installed in moments, perhaps while the cellphone's actual owner is sleeping or in the shower.

Cyberstalking software under fire

For around $50, a jealous wife or husband can download software that can continuously track the whereabouts of their spouse.

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The iPhone 5 (Reuters)

Google Maps back on the iPhone

The world's most popular mapping system returned late Wednesday with the release of the Google Maps iPhone app.

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Compensation for angry customers video

Telecom has been dealing with broadband outages and thousands of angry customers, and says it will compensate those affected.

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The Maps app was introduced with iOs 6 and the iPhone 5 (Reuters)

Don’t trust Apple Maps – Aussie cops

Victoria Police have issued a public safety warning urging motorists to be wary of the Apple Maps app.

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Telecom to grow mobile roaming usage

Telecom Corp wants to boost usage of its mobile roaming services with a new flat fee structure for its post-paid customers.

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In the new year, half of Kiwi phone owners will be on smart phones with access to the over-the-top services that have made texting obsolete

Text messaging slowly dying video

The text's demise could come sooner than anyone predicted.

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An exterior view of the Nokia headquarters (Reuters)

Struggling Nokia sells HQ

Nokia plans to sell its head office near the Finnish capital to real estate investors for €170 million.

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