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Shares in Google rose $44.63 to $747.60 (Reuters)

Tech profits please Wall Street video

Profit results from US corporates are coming in thick and fast, and so far Wall Street likes what it's hearing.

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Google earned nearly US$2.9 billion during the final three months of last year

Google's 4Q earnings rise 7 percent

Google's fourth-quarter earnings rose 7 percent as online advertisers spent more money in pursuit of holiday shoppers.

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Dotcom apologises to Mega users

Kim Dotcom has apologised for ongoing issues with his new site, saying he has learned his lesson.

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Kim Dotcom speaks at the launch of his new website, Mega, at his mansion at Coatesville, north of Auckland (AAP)

Mega greeted with scepticism video

Kim Dotcom's new website has only just launched and has already been greeted with scepticism and disapproval.

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New Zealand technology companies face a unique set of problems (file pic)

Kiwi tech firms face challenges video

New Zealanders like to talk up our innovative, 'number eight wire' approach to fixing things.

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Last week, Nokia said it expects to return to profitability (Reuters)

Nokia slashes more than 1000 jobs

Struggling Nokia is downsizing by more than 1,000 jobs, part of a wide-ranging plan to cut costs and streamline operations.

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A woman looks at Sony's TV sets at an electronic shop in Tokyo (Reuters)

CEO says Sony on track for comeback

Sony Corp is headed in the right direction although its comeback is not yet complete, its chief executive said Thursday.

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New televisions are displayed at the Samsung booth in Las Vegas (Reuters)

New tech coming to NZ - Samsung boss video

Samsung’s Asia president says the technology showcased in Las Vegas will be in New Zealand stores this year.

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The need for paper is dwindling because of new technology (file)

Is technology killing the paper industry?

Job losses and reduced production at a key paper mill are signs paper use is in decline as people switch to the internet.

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Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer (Reuters)

Microsoft's CES absence felt

Microsoft may have relinquished its starring role in America's gaudiest gadget show a year too early.

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The Mondo Spider (Photo: JacobMetcalf on Flickr)

Wacky gadgets on show at CES

The International CES show is a forum for gadget makers to take big - and bizarre - chances.

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New televisions are displayed at the Samsung booth on the first day of the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas (Reuters)

20,000 gadgets on display at CES video

The usual tourists and gamblers in Las Vegas have been joined by some geeks this week as the world's biggest electronics show gets underway.

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