Latest Landscape articles

Ian Parry - Rasel Chowdhury

Landscape first for Ian Parry Scholarship

A series of desaturated landscape images shot by Bangladeshi Rasel Chowdhury has won this year's Ian Parry Scholarship, a first for the prestigious photojournalism and documentary photography prize

Awards 18 Jul 2011


Q&A: Mark Power on The Sound of Two Songs

Magnum photographer Mark Power in conversation with BJP editor Simon Bainbridge about the genesis of his latest work and his "love affair" with his temporary new home, Poland.

Documentary 07 Sep 2010


FEP names its top Europeans

Winners revealed in 2010 edition of the FEP European Professional Photographer of the Year Awards.

Awards 07 Sep 2010


On The Road

America by Car invites us to ride shotgun alongside Lee Friedlander as the legendary photographer takes a road trip through contemporary America for his latest, recently completed project.

Documentary 03 Sep 2010


The dust man settles

David Maisel, acclaimed for his aerial photographs that highlight the changing environment, and his last project drawn from the vaults of a mental asylum, has joined the growing ranks of Institute for...

Photo Agencies 16 Aug 2010

Astride Mama Burro-from This Train is Bound for Glory by Justine Kurland

Justine Kurland: This Train is Bound for Glory

A mother and son take a hobo adventure through the American West

Fine Art 01 Jun 2010

Image copyright Noemie Goudal

Class of 2010: plastic arts

RCA graduate Noemie Goudal creates sculptural forms in her photographs of natural landscapes

Fine Art 01 Jun 2010


Thoughts on romance from the road

Enigmatic messages appear roadside along the American highway courtesy of photographer Victoria Crayhon

Professional Photographers 28 May 2010


Double exposure down under

Oddette England has her own double take on shooting the Australian Outback

Fine Art 27 May 2010


Lie of the land

British landscape photography dropped its “chocolate-box pastoralism” in the early 1980s in favour of a new radical vision exposed by the New Topographics exhibition. Eugenie Shinkle explains its continued...

Exhibitions 24 May 2010


Capturing the Void

Thomas Joshua Cooper’s 20-year exploration of the extreme outer edges of the North and South Atlantic pushes the very boundaries of photography

Fine Art 07 Apr 2010


River Deep, Mountain High

A number of key photographers have taken a different approach to landscape photography, in which man-made elements are at the forefront. BJP talks to seven photographers about their work

Fine Art 07 Apr 2010


The story of the golden tomato

Underneath a white sea of plastic, north African immigrants toil in the hothouses of Almería to produce our supermarket fruit and vegetables. Reinaldo Loureiro reveals the undercover story of what lies...

Documentary 07 Apr 2010


English battlefields

A commission takes Simon Norfolk to Blenheim Palace, where he eschews the grandeur to focus instead on gnarled oaks recalling battles past

Fine Art 07 Apr 2010

Robert Voit's New Trees

Knock on wood

Robert Voit has spent the last seven years travelling the world photographing trees. But these are no ordinary trees...

Fine Art 07 Apr 2010

From Terminus Riga copyright Iveta Vaivode

Terminus Riga

Iveta Vaivode returns to her roots in Latvia to photograph a portrait its capital city for her final year project

Fine Art 07 Apr 2010

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