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Brief Introduction
Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies(IAPS), founded in 1988, is one of the CASS Institutes in which a broad set of international issues are studied. There are currently 5 research departments, service departments. IAPS, on behalf of CASS, also runs 4 research centers and 2 national research associations. It has 65 research fellows and staff members working at IAPS.
Director: Professor LI Xiangyang
Administration/Department of Research Management
Editorial Department of Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies
Editorial Department of Journal of South Asian Studies  
China Association of South Asian Studies
Research Fields
Researches on fundamental issues and other policy-oriented issues are conducted at IAPS. Geographically IAPS researches cover countries in East Asia, South Asia and South Pacific regions. IAPS research also covers fields such as economics, politics, security, sociology, culture and regional cooperation.
International Exchanges
IAPS carries out extensive academic exchanges and maintains communication relations with related research institutions around the world. Each year scholars and experts from various countries and pay their visits to IAPS. Some work at IAPS as visiting scholars. IAPS also sends its own scholars abroad for academic exchanges. International conferences are regularly held at IAPS. IAPS also conducts researches in collaboration with foreign research institutions.
Degree Conferment
Graduate programs are provided at IAPS for students of the Department of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Graduate School of CASS. IAPS is entitled to confer Master¨s Degree and Doctor¨s Degree majoring in international economics, international politics and international relations
Major periodical publications of IAPS include Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies (bimonthly), South Asian Studies (quarterly), and Development Report of the Asia-Pacific (annually). IAPS also has published works on international studies.
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