• Creative Industries

    Massachusetts defines the creative industries to include without limitation the many interlocking industry sectors that center on providing creative services such as advertising, architecture or creating and promoting intellectual property products such as arts, film, computer games, multimedia, or design.

  • Financial Services

    The financial service industry has long been a pillar in the Massachusetts economy, and encompasses accounting, asset management, insurance, consulting, processing, legal services, and software publishers. By promoting our highly skilled and productive workforce, penchant for innovation and existing business base, we are committed to becoming a globally recognized, top-tier financial services center.
  • Information Technology

    Massachusetts has outperformed nearly all other Leading Technology States in growth in the IT industry recently and we are primed and ready for significant growth.
  • Life Sciences

    The Massachusetts life sciences super cluster includes the activities of the state's world-class universities, teaching hospitals and research institutions, biotechnology, medical devices and pharmaceutical companies as well as a professional service industry which contributes to the growth and vitality of our economy.
  • Advanced Manufacturing Collaborative

  • Maritime Commerce

    The marine science and technology industry is for all intensive purposes any business that primarily deals with or relates to the sea. The marine science industry in Massachusetts consists of a wide range of businesses and technologies, highly respected research facilities, and higher education learning institutions.
  • Renewable Energy

    Massachusetts is leading the charge in this emerging industry and has shown the commitment necessary with new government support. We're creating markets and making connections in this quickly growing cluster.

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