Maharishi Veda Land
In this planned theme park visitors explore a magical world filled with illusions created by master magician, the late Doug Henning—combining astonishing, unique visual and sensory effects, state-of-the-art 3D imagery, and ultra high-tech entertainment technology with his best and most original magic illusion secrets. Entering Veda Land through a secret cave on a windswept plateau high in the Himalayas the adventure starts as one travels through a waterfall that leads to a forest where an ancient Vedic civilization awaits to reveal the deepest secrets of the universe. Visitors see a levitating building and flying chariots, learn about seven steps to enlightenment, and are awestruck as spectacular illusions and special effects demonstrate the knowledge of the universe as seen through the eyes of the greatest scientists of ancient and modern times. A giant golden eagle shows the planets of our solar system. Inside the sun a fireball transforms into an ancient king on a golden throne who speaks and predicts the future.

The journey ends in the Veda Vision theater where visitors find themselves in the company of a modern physicist traveling through the universe guided by a Vedic sage in a golden chariot who reveals to them the ancient mysteries of life. This theater will also be the home for live shows and entertainment. Visitors will enjoy the food carts restaurants featuring delicious organic vegetarian burgers, pasta, pizza and snacks and shops with environmentally-friendly products.