How many children and minors died in Jonestown? What were their ages?

The child count varies, depending upon whom you consider a child. There were 150 who were 10 or younger; 190 who were 12 or younger; 304 who were 17 or younger. We established the cut-off for minors at 18. We know the ages for all of them except for Derek Dawson, an adopted Guyanese child, so he’s not included in those lesser totals.

The following chart shows the number of children and minors of each age – up to age 18 – who died in Jonestown, as well as a running total.

Age           Number           Total
0                  13                    13
1                  11                    24
2                  12                    36
3                    7                    43
4                  17                    60
5                  16                    76
6                    9                    85
7                  15                  100
8                  21                  121
9                  16                  137
10                13                  150
11                19                  169
12                21                  190
13                19                  209
14                26                  235
15                23                  258
16                21                  279
17                24                  303

+ Derek Dawson = 304

Last modified on September 29th, 2013.