Nonverbal Website Intelligence

Free Ebook: How Nonverbal Website Communication Gets You Sales and Subscribers

In this free 33-page report, you'll discover:

  • How "Line of Sight" Increases Conversion Rates
  • The Best Way to Optimize Images to Grab Reader Attention
  • How "Active Commands" Influence People to Take Some Form of Action
  • And much, much more!

Still running Thesis 1.x? If so, you should update to version 1.8.9 as soon as possible!

If you’re still running the Thesis 1.x platform, you should update your site to Thesis 1.8.8 as soon as possible.

If you’re still using Thesis 1.x on any of your sites, you’ll be pleased to see that we’ve just released version 1.8.7, which improves compatibility with the latest version of WordPress. To ensure your site works properly, we recommend updating immediately.

But again, this is only if you’re using Thesis 1.x on any of your sites! If you’re running Thesis 2, you’re already winning.

Head on over to the downloads area to grab the update.

First time learning about Flex? Be sure to read the original launch post, too.

After we launched the new Flex Skin, you guys had lots of good ideas about how we could enhance the Skin and make it even better. Thanks to your feedback, Flex 1.1 now includes optimized video support, an optional desktop navigation menu, and a more customizable call-to-action area.

Today, we’re going to take a closer look at these new features, and if you’re an existing Flex user, we’re also going to walk you through the process of incorporating these features into your existing site. (If you’re a new Flex user, you can just install the Skin and start winning immediately.)

Let’s dig in!

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Thesis Skins are primed for performance right out of the box, but developers and tinkerers can still apply a number of “pro tips” to their sites to improve overall performance.

Let’s take a quick look at three of these tips and see how you can enhance your site speed today.

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