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Philosophia: E-Journal of Philosophy and Culture – 4/2012

by on February 21, 2013 · 0 comments

Fouad Ben Ahmed – Ibn Rušd: Knowledge, pleasures and analogy

Mariya Kalcheva – An Outline of the History of the Concept of Form: Antique Origin and Early Christian Reception

Polya Tarkoleva – Philosophicо-anthropological interpretation of Vico’s theory on the origin of language

Iva Manova – Historico-Philosophical Studies on Krastyo Peykich of Chiprovtsi (1666-1730): Аn Overview of the Literature and Some Critical Remarks

Alexandre Losev – Morpho-logical Investigations: Wittgenstein and Spengler

Dobrin Todorov – Interpretation and Integrity

Jan Söffner Der Kairos des Denkens und das Interview als Ort des Philosophierens 

Ivanka Mavrodieva – Rhetorical features of academic presentations

Gergana Pencheva-Apostolova – E-kind. Facing the Stars

Mariya IvanchevaAllegories of Transition: Representations of Past and Present Repressive Regimes in Gyorgyi Palfi’s Feature Film Taxidermia and the House of Terror Museum in Budapest

Веселина Славова – Проблемът за тялото във философските концепции на Е. Левинас и М. Мерло-Понти

Нора Голешевска Сценарии за края на историята на изкуството: Ханс Белтинг и Артър Данто

Petar Dimkov – Analysis of the concept ‘Desemantism’

Карл Ясперс – За европейския дух (превод от немски: Георги Каприев)


Ludwig Wittgenstein  philosophy



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