
Message from the Society

The Virginia Woolf Bulletin

Society Publications




Useful Links
Official website of the Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain
Welcome to the official website of the
Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain

Honorary President: Dame Eileen Atkins

Official website of the Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain
The Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain is a non-profit organisation that aims to raise the profile of Virginia Woolf and promote the reading and discussion of her works.

Formed in August 1998 the Society is supported by an Executive Council of elected volunteers (read more about the Society's Constitution). An Editorial Committee produces the Virginia Woolf Bulletin three times a year (January, May and September), as well as a number of other publications. Woolf-related events and talks, open to members only, are held throughout the year.

The Society welcomes new members. If you are interested in joining, you can print off the form from the Membership page and send it with your payment to the address provided. At the present time the Society is only able to accept payments in pounds sterling or US dollars.

On this website you will find information about the Society and information about Virginia Woolf herself. Under Virginia Woolf Resources you will find a wealth of Woolf information, including a short biography, bibliographies, articles, illustrations and links to related sites. If you want to know more about Woolf, her works and the Society, the best place to start is with the links below. The Useful Links area provides a guide to websites of other Woolf societies, archives, publishers and bookshops.

VW by Stephen Barkway
Courtesy of Stephen Barkway

VW at Monks House
University of Sussex & Society of Authors

Autumn at Rodmell
National Trust

VW bust at Rodmell
National Trust

LW bust at Rodmell
National Trust