
Get behind Turnbull
Nelson tells Libs

Phillip Hudson
September 16, 2008 - 11:23AM

Ousted Liberal leader Brendan Nelson today urged all Liberals to "get behind" new leader Malcom Turnbull and said he would "strongly support" his leadership and work to overthrow the Rudd Government in 2010.

Despite his defeat, Dr Nelson said it was "the right thing to do" to bring on the leadership spill.

"I deal with things on my terms."

He said settling the leadership uncertainty would bring the focus back onto the Rudd Government and its failings.

Mr Turnbull offered Dr Nelson a frontbench job, but Dr Nelson said he would not "seek nor accept a frontbench position".

Dr Nelson said while he was going to the backbench, he was not leaving politics and intended to contest the next election.

"There is absolutely no question that I will do everything that I possibly can to support a change of government in 2010 and to support Malcolm Turnbull becoming Australia's next prime minister,'' Dr Nelson told reporters.

He admitted his 10 months as opposition leader had been very difficult.

"It has been a great honour, an enormous honour to be the leader of the Liberal Party, the leader of the opposition, it is an extraordinarily important role in Australian political life.''

Dr Nelson, a minister in the previous Howard government and one-time GP, says he will seek preselection for the northern Sydney seat of Bradfield at the next election.

He did not rule out a future role on either an opposition or coalition government frontbench.

Dr Nelson denied Peter Costello's decision not to accept the leadership after last year's election loss meant he had taken on the top job too early in his career.

"I think it's important in life that you stand up to the plate, you take on responsibilities and you make opportunities, not for yourself but indeed for others.''

Mrs Nelson said she was looking forward to spending more time with her husband.

"I'm very proud of my husband,'' she said.

"I've never met nor do I ever expect I will meet a finer man and I'm proud to be standing here beside him and I look forward to seeing more of him.'

- with AAP

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