Wednesday 03 October 2018


Forget Cannes... Bradford is named as first City of Film

Forget Cannes, Los Angeles or even Venice, the world's first official City of Film has been named as none other than Bradford.

Forget Cannes... Bradford is named as first City of Film
Tom Courtenay and Rodney Bewes dance on the steps of the Bradford War Memorial in Billy Liar 

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) announced on Friday that the West Yorkshire city won the title with a bid based on classics like 1959s Room At The Top, set in Halifax, and the latest work of the British Bollywood industry.

Bradford boasts a long tradition of film-making, thanks to its breathtaking landscape and local acting talent, including Billie Whitelaw and Tony Richardson.

The city's bid also cited John Schlesinger's Billy Liar (1963), which helped launch the careers of Sir Tom Courtenay and Julie Christie, and Lionel Jeffries's debut production The Railway Children, starring Jenny Agutter.

Other local credits include Yanks, Monty Python's The Meaning of Life, The Dresser, A Private Function and Rita, Sue and Bob Too.

The award is regarded as a 'badge of honour', rather than a funding source, which will help to encourage the growth of film projects in the area.

Simon Beaufoy, the Slumdog Millionaire screenwriter who hails from Keighley, has welcomed the accolade as "inspirational and a benefit to both the local community and the industry at large."

He will announce Bradford's win at a ceremony alongside Steve Abbott, Bradford-born chair of the bid, who produced A Fish Called Wanda and Brassed Off.

Abbott said: "Our heritage in film has secured the designation, but I am confident we can bring further credit to Bradford and Unesco with our City of Film projects."

There are plans to work with the local university and commercial studios to train more staff for all areas of the film industry, enlarge the city's three annual film festivals, and offer more support to visiting film crews.

James Marsh, Bafta award-winning director of drama Red Riding, said: "We shot on location all over the city last year ... We had amazing support and hired a lot of our crew locally. Unlike, say, London or New York, it was easy and simple to get permission to shoot anywhere. I'd love to come back and make another film in the area."

Bradford joins two other British cities already designated within Unesco's Creative Cities Network. Edinburgh has won City of Literature status and Glasgow City of Music.

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