
ChemSusChem is a top interdisciplinary journal for research at the interface of chemistry and sustainability. The journal features the best research on sustainability and energy by publishing contributions from chemistry, materials science, chemical engineering, and biotechnology. It is published on behalf of Chemistry Europe, an association of 16 European chemical societies.

A Message to Our Readers, Authors, and Reviewers

We recognize that the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting everyone’s daily lives and the global research community in unprecedented ways. Although some research activities are slowly resuming, many institutions remain closed, with researchers working from home under unusual circumstances. Our editorial teams also continue to work remotely.

Throughout these challenging times, we aim to support our scientific community in any way possible. Given the possible disruption of experimental work, we kindly ask our reviewers to bear in mind that some experiments may be hard to do these days. Now more than ever, it is important to mention clearly which suggestions you consider to be essential. We are aware that authors and reviewers are doing their best to revise and review manuscripts given these circumstances and should you need extra time, please contact the corresponding editorial office without hesitation.

Please accept the best wishes of our editorial teams for your ongoing health and wellbeing.

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September 24, 2020

VIP: A Carbon Catalyst Co-Doped with P and N for Efficient and Selective Oxidation of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural into 2,5-Diformylfuran

Huifa Zhang, Prof. James H. Clark, Dr. Tong Geng, Huixian Zhang, Prof. Fahai Cao

A Carbon Catalyst Co-Doped with P and N for Efficient and Selective Oxidation of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural into 2,5-Diformylfuran

A new world for carbon: Phosphorus and nitrogen co-doped carbon (P−C−N) catalyst demonstrates a superb catalytic activity towards selective aerobic oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) into 2,5-diformylfuran (DFF).

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