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New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern criticises Australia for stripping dual national terror suspect's citizenship

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
Jacinda Ardern accuses Australia of exporting its problems to New Zealand.(AP: Mark Baker)

New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has slammed Australia for stripping citizenship from a woman who allegedly joined the Islamic State terrorist group.

Turkish authorities said the 26-year-old New Zealand woman was caught trying to enter Turkey illegally from Syria. She was accompanied by two small children.

Jacinda Ardern said the woman was an Australia-New Zealand dual national, but that Australia's Government recently stripped her of citizenship under anti-terrorism laws.

She said the woman has lived in Australia since she was six, and left for Syria from Australia.

Ms Ardern has accused Australia of exporting its problems to New Zealand and said "if the shoe were on the other foot we would take responsibility".

More to come.


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