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Jewish students at York University sound alarm over increasing antisemitism on campus

Hillel Ontario has been tracking antisemitic incidents at several universities. The organization says Jewish students have become a “convenient scapegoat” in the last few weeks.

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Students march at York University on Monday, where Jewish students are feeling apprehensive and threatened by pro-Palestian rallies and antisemitic incidents.

Ryan Albom, 22, was standing just outside the student centre of York University’s Keele St. campus, watching a pro Palestinian rally last Monday when one of his friends pulled out an Israeli flag — and held it up.

At first, no one seemed to notice. Or care, says Albom, a student president of Hillel York, the Jewish students union. But as the rally drew to a close and the crowd dispersed and thinned, one of the protesters turned around, he said, and called Albom and his friend “terrorists.”

Michele Henry

Michele Henry is a Toronto-based reporter for the Star, writing health and education stories. Follow her on Twitter: @michelehenry.

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