Ardern, Albanese to take trans-Tasman relationship 'to a new level'

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and new Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese have promised to take the trans-Tasman relationship "to a new level", in their first formal meeting on Friday.

Albanese said he couldn't think of "anything better than the first foreign leader to be welcomed to Australian shores being our friend from New Zealand and my personal friend".

He described the Australian-New Zealand relationship as "family" and he and Ardern are "determined to take trans-Tasman relations to a new level".

The leaders pledged to take the trans-Tasman partnership to “a new level”.

"What that means is new growth, new jobs and new opportunity to cooperate".

Albanese said that meant in terms of trade and the way they acted on the international stage.

Ardern and Albanese discussed climate change and working with Pacific countries on the response, the war in Ukraine, the Christchurch Call and indigenous policy.

Ardern said she was "also heartened by the acknowledgement of New Zealand's significant interest and respect of the treatment of New Zealanders here in Australia".

Ardern said there's "a real awareness" of the long-raised issues, such as the 501 deportees and creating a "realistic and secure pathway to citizenship".

"These are not new issues, but this is a new Government."

Asked by 1News political editor Jessica Mutch McKay when change over the 501 policy should be expected, Albanese said the 501 policy would be maintained, but "we've heard the very clear message from the PM (Ardern) as I've heard before".

"There can be no argument the Prime Minister has been very forceful in her views and we have listened to those views. We will work through some of those issues between now and we will heave a Ministerial meeting next month".

He said they will work through the way the 501 policy had been implemented.

The pair had an informal dinner together on Thursday evening.

READ MORE: Aldous Harding, Midnight Oil - Ardern and Albanese exchange gifts

They exchanged gifts, with Ardern giving Albanese albums by Aldous Harding, The Clean, Reb Fountain, and the AK79 compilation album, as well as two Flying Nun t-shirts.


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