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Honoring The Creators Of The Computerized World

Updated Jul 11, 2012, 07:33pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

Robert Bower hadn't seen Andrew Grove in almost 40 years. That time they had almost come to blows. It was in Paris, in 1970, when they were in a panel discussion together. Grove suggested that just because Bower invented the self-aligned-gate MOSFET transistor--one of the building blocks of the information world--it didn't mean he had done the important work in making it important and successful. That led to a heated argument between the two men. Then they raised their fists at each other.

On Saturday, May 2, 2009, Bower and Grove were reunited at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, Calif., where the National Inventors Hall of Fame was holding its annual induction ceremony. (Disclosure: The author of this article is a board member of the Hall of Fame, as well as an editor at

This year's honorees were all inventors of semiconductor technology, as the event marked the 50th birthday of the integrated circuit. The integrated circuit was patented in 1959, both by Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments and by Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor

Bower, inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1997, went out of his way to say hello to Grove, the legendary longtime chief executive officer of Intel . Grove was there to accept the Hall of Fame's lifetime achievement award, which he was given as a supreme champion and supporter of innovation. The two men had a quiet, affectionate reunion. Thirty-nine years is a long time.

In all, 15 inventors, both living and deceased, were inducted Saturday. Almost all of them are unknown to the general public, and many of them aren't even familiar around Silicon Valley, which has made new information outpace history faster than ever before.

Martin "John" Atalla, one of the inductees, co-invented nothing less than the first practical field-effect transistor, but when someone asked him what he had done, he said, both from modesty and from having a far greater interest in what he's up to these days, "I invented the PIN."

Atalla is indeed a father of information security technology, and he says he is working on a new advance that will make all computers much more secure than any of us think we can expect. In his acceptance speech, Atalla stated that computer technology is still in its infancy. He ended by saying, both of it in general and of his own work in particular, "The best is yet to come."

The evening was a festive reunion for many. The new inductees included Gordon Moore, the co-founder of both Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel (and most famous for his Moore's Law, which predicted the rate of semiconductor progress), and Carver Mead, who did much of the work that made it possible to pack tens of thousands of transistors onto a single silicon chip. Past inductees present included all three inventors of the microprocessor, Marcian "Ted" Hoff, Federico Faggin and Stanley Mazor.

The most memorable acceptance speech was anything but festive, though. It was Andrew Grove's. Now 72, Grove retired from Intel in 2004. Looking back on the half century since the birth of the integrated circuit, he said, "You wonder if the next 50 years will be as productive. I'm dubious."

"Fifty years ago," Grove said, "the inventor was also the producer." Today, he went on, those roles are separated and the patents inventors earn fall far too often into the hands of speculators. Patent ownership and power have become so far removed from the work and products that underlie it, he said, that they're creating a dangerous situation like that of the derivatives that have undone the financial world.

"I fear this will limit the reach of product, and therefore of the benefit of innovation to the public," he concluded. "...We may have to undertake to rebuild this system, so that it does what it's supposed to do--serve the public."

Here are the 2009 inductees into the National Inventors Hall of Fame.


--Martin M. (John) Atalla, metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor

--Alfred Y. Cho, molecular beam epitaxy

--Dov Frohman-Bentchkowsky, erasable, programmable, read-only memory

--George Heilmeier, liquid crystal display

--Larry Hornbeck, digital micromirror device

--John Macdougall and Ken Manchester, ion implantation

--Carver Mead, VLSI method of designing chips

--Gordon Moore, semiconductor production technology

--Frank Wanlass, complementary metal-oxide semiconductor


--Ross Freeman, field programmable gate array

--Jean Hoerni, planar process for transistor and chip manufacture

--Dawon Kahng, metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor

--Gordon Teal, silicon transistors

--Robert Widlar, linear integrated circuits